Journal of Asian Business Strategy 2024-06-10T02:03:32-05:00 Open Journal Systems The impact of perceived quality, advertising quality, and herding effect on purchase intention: Moderation effect of age 2024-01-16T04:02:53-06:00 Xi Lu Yitong Yin Ruizhe Gao Nasi Sari <p>In recent years, with the rapid development of technology, the development trend of online game industry is good. This paper focuses on the online gaming industry and discusses the factors that affect the willingness of Chinese college students to purchase products on gaming platforms. This paper selects consumer perception quality, advertising quality, and herd effect on game platforms as the main research variables through literature review. This paper introduces age as a moderating effect, investigate the moderating mechanism of age groups on the three main research variables. This paper found that both perceived quality and herd effect have a positive impact on consumer purchase intention, while age has a positive moderating effect on herd effect and the combined variables of perceived quality and herd effect. However, advertising quality has no significant impact on consumers' purchase intention, and the moderating effect of age on the impact of advertising quality on purchase intention is not significant. The paper falls into six parts. Firstly, it introduces the background, purpose, significance, conceptual framework, and contribution. Secondly, it introduces the literature review and assumptions. Thirdly, it presents the methodology. Fourth, it introduces the discovery of the study. Fifth, it indicates the discussion and implication. Sixth, it concludes the main points. The innovation lies in the following points. Firstly, this paper focuses on the consumption behavior of Chinese college students in online games. Secondly, this paper incorporates multiple variables mentioned in existing literature into the research mode. Thirdly, this paper introduces age groups as moderating variables.</p> 2024-01-16T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Did the COVID-19 transform consumers’ orthodox behavior?: A systematic literature review 2024-02-06T05:30:40-06:00 Kazi Sharmin Pamela Shahpar Shams <p>The study aimed to explore new aspects and dimensions of consumer behavior during COVID-19. Hence, significant changes in consumer behavior were identified, and the characteristics, similarities, and differences of these behavioral approaches were discovered to obtain the purpose. The systematic literature review was conducted using the PRISMA-ScR method, which is a systematic procedure for screening and analyzing the chosen literature. The study found four major changes in consumer behavior; panic buying (large volume, short-run), stockpiling (large volume, long-run), impulse buying &nbsp;(small volume, short-run), and sustainable buying behavior (small volume, long-run).&nbsp; Moreover, this study explored the correlations and differences among these &nbsp;behaviors. The authors constructed an innovative framework that examines the characteristics of panic buying, stockpiling, impulse buying, and sustainable buying behavior, drawing upon existing work in the field. &nbsp;As this paper explains the characteristics and underlying reason for the transformed behavior, this paper can contribute to the literature on consumer behavior during uncertain situations. This study can help &nbsp;marketers, government, and policymakers to understand consumer behavior changes and their causes in any emergency circumstance. Furthermore, using this study's findings, decision-makers could develop and adopt inventory management, supply chain management, and sustainable consumption policies and strategies to address the crisis.</p> 2024-02-06T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The effect of short game videos on consumers' willingness to purchase virtual items in games: A moderating effect based on game experience 2024-03-22T01:23:51-05:00 Hongfei Wu Ruizhe Gao Yitong Yin <p>With the popularity and development of new media, the short video industry has deeply influenced people's daily shopping behavior and entertainment activities. Similarly, with the development of Internet technology, the game industry is attracting more and more attention from game players and consumers. This study explores the impact of short game videos on gamers' willingness to purchase in-game virtual goods according to the SOR theoretical model and the moderating effect of external stimuli such as consumers' differences in game experience and perceived value on their willingness to buy game virtual products. Through a series of literature research and relevant data analysis and processing, this study confirms that some features of short game videos will not have a significant impact on consumers' purchase behavior, but most features will lead consumers to consume games. Features such as Validity and Serviceability, Interactivity, and Sociability are positively correlated with consumers' willingness on consumption, but Influenceability is not significantly correlated with consumers' willingness to buy. In addition, the game experience of consumers has a significant moderating effect, and the perceived value difference also has an important impact on their purchase behavior. The findings from this study can help the new media industry and the gaming industry to grasp the needs of young consumers, represented by university students, and to adjust their marketing strategies more effectively.</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Effect of innovation in communication message on financial customer relationships: New evidence from Saudi Arabia 2024-04-20T04:05:56-05:00 Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al-Ayyaf Iyad Abdel Fattah Al-Nsour <p>The study aimed to measure the impact of innovation in the communication message on the financial customer relations of the companies listed in stock market in Saudi Arabia "TADAWL", as well as to determine the level of significant difference in perception level of innovation and customer relations according to demographics. The study consists of two populations. The first is all companies listed in the Saudi stock market "TADAWL" that apply marketing innovation. The total companies reached 38 in six key sectors in the economy: consumer services, food retailing, food production, health care, banks, and communications. The second population is all the customers of the listed companies. The research methodology used a full survey method to collect data from companies, and the convenience sample technique was used. Total of Customers reached 500. The study concludes innovation in the communication message- content and design – have a high degree of perception. The study also concludes a strong positive impact of innovation in the content on financial relationships of the listed companies in TADAWL. The statistical differences show significant differences in the innovation in message design according to financial resources of innovation tended to 10% or more, and no such differences in the customer financial relationships according to all demographics. Finally, the presented a set of recommendations that enhance the innovation and financial relationships in the surveyed companies in Saudi Arabia.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The profitability of green banking activities of selected banks (SCBs and PCBs) in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis 2024-06-10T01:24:33-05:00 Sanjoy Kumar Sarker Md Golam Sharoar Kamal Hossain Mithun Bairagi Feroz Khan <p>Global warming is a significant global issue, and Bangladesh is one of the countries most adversely impacted, facing numerous environmental and economic problems. This study addresses these challenges by reviewing existing research to identify gaps in knowledge and aims to assess the profitability of green banking activities in Bangladesh. The research focuses on how green banking activities, guided by specific policy frameworks, can contribute to financial performance. However, it explores not only the profitability of these activities but also the associated challenges and opportunities, providing prospects, suggestions, and recommendations for selected banks. The statistical techniques are used, i.e., descriptive statistics, graphic presentations, ANOVA, post-hoc test (LSD), linear regression in SPSS, and regression for panel data in Gretl, etc. After analyzing the data, the results of this study inform us of the theoretical understanding by statistical proved for areas of policy guidelines of green banking practice and informs us empirical understanding by statistical verified for the profitability of green banking activities regarding policy guidelines of green banking by selected SCBs &amp; PCBs. Finally, it is observed comparatively among SCBs, the RBL is the best performer, and among PCBs, the IBBL is the best performed comparatively, but JBL among SCBs and BAL among PCBs are in the most unfavorable position comparatively. The implications of the empirical analysis on the profitability of green banking activities among selected banks (SCBs and PCBs) in Bangladesh extend beyond the immediate financial realm, encompassing environmental sustainability, regulatory compliance, and the long-term viability of the banking sector.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Management information systems: Evaluating the adoption and impact of cloud computing in enterprise information systems 2024-06-10T02:03:32-05:00 Md Omar Faruque Sadia Sharmin Tughlok Talukder Saddam Nasir Chowdhury <p>The objective of this study is to investigate the integration of cloud computing into business IT systems, with a specific focus on the motivations for this shift and its impact on company performance. The research employs a mixed-methods approach to investigate the relationship between company size, cloud service models, data transfer, and security concerns. Quantitative data was collected using a standardized questionnaire to evaluate the level of cloud computing adoption and its effects. Qualitative insights were obtained through semi-structured interviews with representatives from selected organizations. The study deliberately included organizations of different sizes and sectors to create a representative sample. The quantitative data was analyzed using statistical methods, which revealed intricate patterns in the adoption of cloud technology. On the other hand, the qualitative interviews were subjected to thematic analysis, which brought to light repeating themes and provided fresh insights into the usage of cloud computing. The incorporation of these data sets enabled a thorough comprehension of the function of cloud computing in modernizing company IT. This study aims to provide management information systems decision-makers and practitioners with valuable insights and actionable recommendations for effectively implementing cloud computing in various business scales and sectors. It offers a detailed analysis of cloud computing adoption, helping them navigate the complexities of cloud integration.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024