Bambang Sudaryana1

1Study of Program Business Administration Polyitechnic LP3i Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


In the era of regional autonomy, are necessary a lot of efforts to improve the quality of local government officials, in order to be able to have a high performance in carrying out basic tasks, functions, and responsibilities. The research problems are how much policy, educational background, training hierarchy structural, functional and technical training influence the quality of the performance of government officials. The purpose of this research is to study, examine, and analyse the effect of policy professional development, educational background of local government officials, and improving the quality of the performance of local government officials. Based on the analysis, the variables are very significant and affect the quality of the Local Government (Y) is a type Training and Development (X2). While the other variables, namely Government Policy (X1). This condition can be seen in the increased coefficient of variable type Training and Development (X2) of the Local Government Quality variable (Y) is 0.214; 0.019; 11.116

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Keywords:Education, Government, Performance, Policy, Quality, Training.

Contribution/ Originality:This study contributes in the existing literature entitled “Educational Leadership influence on the performance of local government officials. Methodology using statistical analysis and the measurement of performance of government officials Studies which have investigated the performance officials excellent service to public in need. Documents are Measurement of performance, Strategic Management.


The paradigm of governance, development, and community service has experienced a shift from rule government became good governance. Governance, development, and public service, based on this paradigm are not only based on rules alone (rule) or government (Government), but also need to involve other domains, namely the private sector (Private Sector) and society (Civil Society).

Facing these dynamics, we need a strategic approach to major in public Administration, which reflects the approach leap improvement of quality and resilience (Tamin, 2004). These aspects are very important and should be continuous, with solid governmental organizations and high-performance which is imperative. Conceptually, high quality, and continuous flexibility in the care of the organization and functioning of good governance are associated with professionalism and responsiveness of the apparatus to the needs and expectations of the people who influenced the development of (challenges and opportunities) national strategic environment, regional, and global. It is thus the local government officials should always build competence himself, government officials must also be willing and able to change their position and role in providing public services. In addition they are also required to be a professional in performing basic tasks, functions, powers, and responsibilities that have been mandated by the people to him. Professionalism is more directed to the attitudes and behavior of the local government apparatus that is able to be responsible and accountable for all the attitudes, behaviors, actions, and policies that do to the public. Therefore they should have the competence, being democratic, responsive, and adaptive in performing all the duties and functions. Each organization is required to develop quality human resources. The main capital of the competition is no longer in the form of money, but the intellectual capital (intellectual capital). In other words, build quality human resources in order to become the intellectual capital of the organization is done through the creation of a learning organization (learning organization). Speaking of learning organizations will not be separated from the opinion of Sange (1990) monumental book titled "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organization".

The fifth discipline that needs to be built into the learning organization is to familiarize each member to have the same goal ie achieving organizational goals. In order to achieve the four other disciplines, namely: 1) personal maturity (personal mastery), 2) mental models (mental models), 3) building a vision (shared vision), 4) learning team (team learning).

In 2004 through the Government Performance Accountability Report was shown quite alarming that of the 458 well Alumnus Leadership Training, only 196 people, or 42.80% increased performance. This means that the study shows the quality of the performance of government officials is still not optimal.

Besides that, a lot of public complain against the performance of local government officials, especially the time of service, officer behavior, level of service, and bureaucratic procedures of licensing services. In connection with this, of course, the demands will be the attitude to improve the quality of performance of the apparatus as well as the attitude of professionals that must be owned by all government officials.

Efforts to improve the quality of the performance of local government officials have been carried out by the City / County line with the policy of professional development through education and training.

In connection with the above-mentioned phenomenon, the author conducted the research / deep study of  policy development capabilities of professional development, the educational background  based on  local government officials through training hierarchical arrangements of Structural and Functional Technical Training in improving the quality of the performance of local government officials.

With the enactment of the provisions of Act No. 23 of 2014, there will be a shift in the centers of authority in the governance and development of the center to the regions. Essence of the decentralization policy  is  the government try to get closer to the governed (the people). With the expectation that  near  the  government  is able to recognize / know  all  about  the problems, needs, and aspirations of the communities it serves. Then, as a logical consequence of the increase in the regional authority, must be followed by increasing accountability of local government agency performance in governance in the region.


The method  used  in this study is a descriptive survey research method-analytic form using data from respondents. Data are obtained through the questionnaire, interviews, and field observations. The process of development of research instruments for  collecting data  were: (a). Employment Guidelines; (b). Observation pre-study; (c). The results of discussions with the lecturers, organizers of Education and Training, Education And Training Agency West Java, Alumnus Workshop Participants hierarchical arrangements of Structural of Leader Training and Alumnus Functional Technical Training; and (d). References related to this research.
Then the data analysis in this study, using correlation,  regression analysis techniques path analysis  and using Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM)

In accordance with the intent and purpose of the study, researchers used a quantitative approach . Quantitative research is based on the paradigm of positivism that is ligico - hypotheco - verification based on assumptions about the empirical (Suriasumantri, 1978). The first assumption that the object / phenomena can be classified according to the nature, type, structure, shape, color , and so on . Based on this assumption, the research can select specific variables of an object of research.

This study consisted of three variables studied as follows:

1. Government Policy (X1)

2. Training and Development (X2)

3. Quality Performance Local Government Apparatus (Y )

The first variable is the two independent variables, while the one variable is the dependent variable. Theoretical concepts described empirically consist of the concept of independent variables and the dependent variable .Operational variables described in the form of a closed question requires a measurement scale. Measurement scale used is Likert scale. Each selected respondents are given the authority to choose one answer that is considered appropriate or relevant to the questions asked by researchers in the questionnaire. Respondents were asked to answer one of the five categories of answers that have been provided. And every respondent were scored as follows:

1. Answer Strongly agree ( SA ) were given a score of 5

2. Answer Agree ( S ) was given a score of 4

3. Answer Quite agree ( QA ) were given a score of 3

4. Answer Less agree ( LA ) was given a score of 2

5. Answer Disagree ( D ) was given a score of 1

The initial step of researchers compiled a table of variables and variable indicator observer for  the variables as follows

Research used the sample of 180 people made up as follows:

1. General Administration Structural Trainings 87 peoples

2. The Leader Structural Training III is 66 peoples

3. The leader Structural Training II is 27 Peoples

The samples above are based on a stratified random sampling, this is due to the heterogeneous population, the population is divided by strata.


The data was statistically analyzed utilizing SPSS (version. 19.0) for Windows.. By using Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ) for testing models such management . The grounds SEM applications have the ability to display a comprehensive model along with its ability to confirm the dimensions of a concept as well as its ability to measure the influence of relationships that exist theoretical.Structural equation modeling is a statistical technique used to examine a series of relationships between multiple variables that form of variable factors or variables observed. Statistical verification of analysis methods on research conducted using Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ) with the help of software LISREL 8.70 .Steps  using SEM  is  Model Specification -- Estimation ---Testing Fit ---Re Specification -- Interpretation and communication. The differences were considered to be statistically significant at p<0.05 level.


Based on the summary of the results of the test according to the above table shows that the development of type Training and Development (TD) significantly affect the quality of the apparatus (QA) at P = 0.000; Government Policy (GP) does not affect the quality of Apparatus as P = 0.132 or greater than 0.05 as the significant level standard. Referring to the summary descriptive analysis in the table below, the outline illustrated in the percentage of respondents' opinions on questions concerning the variables of Government Policy , Training And development , and the quality of local government officials

To determine the influence of these variables between testing , and the results according to the table below:

Table-1. Result of Training and Development significantly affect the quality of the apparatus

Regression Weights        
    Estimate S.E. C.R. P
  QA ß TD 0.399 0.074 5.394 0.000
  AQ ß GP 0.061 0.041 1.506 0.132

Description: QA : Quality Aparatus , TD : Training And Development , GP : Public policy

Judging from the summary of the test results in the table above , found that Type Training and Development  significantly affect the quality of personnel , amounting to P = 0.000 . This shows that the type Training and Development more dominant affects the quality of Aparatus . This significant level clarified by respondents in the two variables, i.e. each leader Structural Training IV with a value of 60.2 % ; leader Structural Training III with a value of 64.5 % , and the leader Structural Training II with a value of 64.4 % . Likewise for Training and Development , the respondents gave answers agree , leader Structural Training IV with a value of 53.7 % , leader Structural Training III with a value of 51.8 % , and the leader Structural Training II with a value of 50.6 %

Table-2. The effect of the test results

Regression Weights          
    Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label
  QA ß TD 0.333 0.065 5.097 0.000 Par-8
  QA ß TD 0.159 0.019 8.610 0.000 Par-9

Description: QA : Quality Apparatus ; TD : Training and Development ;


Effect of Providing Training And Development   on the Quality of Local Government Apparatus Judging from the summary of the test results in the above table , the result for the Training and Development significantly affect the quality of personnel , amounting to P = 0.000 . This suggests that Implementation Training and Development  apparatus positively affect the quality of Apparatus

Through hypothesis testing using Chi -square and probability as well as other test equipment obtained results ,based on the table above table 3 , that the variables are very significant and affect the quality of the Local Government  (Y) is a type Training and  Development (X2). While the other variables, namely Government Policy (X1). This condition can be seen in the increased coefficient of variable type Training and  Development (X2) of the Local Government  Quality variable (Y) is 0.214; 0.019; 11.116;  and GFI and AGFI values ​​are constantly increasing (see table above) This means that when the level of the type of Training and  Development which include: formal education, education and training, as well as professional education pursued or followed by a continuous lecturers will certainly improve the quality of knowledge owned by the lecturers. Furthermore, armed with adequate scientific capability, then in conveying training material to the participants of the training that the local government officials will be more quality, and this will be a positive influence on the intellectual power apparatus. Thus training will be quality products if the trainers have a good quality

Table-3. To find out the test results

Regression Weights        
    Estimate S.E. C.R. P
  QA ß TD 0.214 0.019 11.116 0.000

Description: TD: Training ; QA : Quality of Local Government


The variables are very significant and affect the quality of the Local Government (Y) is a type Training and  Development (X2). While the other variables, namely Government Policy (X1). This condition can be seen in the increased coefficient of variable type Training and  Development (X2) of the Local Government  Quality variable (Y) is 0.214; 0.019; 11.116

Quality of Local Government in 2013 was 49.56%; Quality of Local Government  of 2014 was 42.80%; and based on this study in accordance with the test using path analysis obtained R2 = 51.782%. This means that every year the application of training material presented in the implementation of the training has not been optimized in order to improve the quality of the performance of local government officials.


We are gratefully acknowledged to Local Government of Tasikmalaya City. Special thanks to the Mayor of  the respective  Public Administration  Institution,  The  lecturers, organizers of Education and Training, Education And Training Agency West Java, Alumnus Workshop Participants hierarchical arrangements of Structural of Leader Training (II, III, IV) and Alumnus Functional Technical Training; and all subjects who participated in the study are gratefully acknowledged.

Conflict of interest declaration: There is no conflict of interest among the authors.

Funding: This study received no specific grant from any funding agency.

Authors’ contributions:

Bambang Sudaryana, conception of study, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results, drafting of manuscript, review of manuscript and interpretation of results.


Sange, P., 1990. The fifth discipline. New York: Holt, Rine-Hart, and Wiston Inc.

Suriasumantri, 1978. Research methode and quantitative models approach. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

Tamin, 2004. Improvement of quality and resilience. Training Department of Minister of Domestic Affair.