Adedoyin, Festus Fatai1

1Faculty of Education, Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aims to shed the light on the effect of social networking sites in causing Intellectual deviation for the students of Qassim University. The researcher used analytical-descriptive method. The sample consists of (730) male and female students in Qassim University. The results revealed to that There is a statistical difference at (α= 0.05) due to the effect of gender. Also, there is a variance in means and standard deviations of the sample responses due to the variance between variables: gender and period of use.  The researcher recommends with Collaborating between societal institutions to contribute in enhancing intellectual security for youth and defend against all types of intellectual deviation.

Keywords:Social networking sites, Intellectual security (IS), Intellectual deviation, Effect, Students perspective, Qassim University.

Contribution/ Originality:This study is one of very few studies which shed the light on the effect of social networking sites in causing Intellectual deviation, which Contributes in creation a moderate thought away from extremism, as well as making the youth able to distinguish between right and wrong. Moreover, our communities are also in dire need to keep stability and cohesion to confront the surrounding changes. This through the consolidation of intellectual security.


Recently, Social media have witnessed a huge demand and use by all segments of the society, especially the younger generation.  Such sites have become tools for exchanging ideas and opinions and forums for discussion. As well, to crowd supporters for the same ideas, so it became a prominent tool for change in all levels and factors, a channel for decision-making and formation of intellectual awareness in communities as a whole. Based upon the fact that youth have become not able to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and what's right and wrong because of some intellectual crisis that have emerged like: deviations of thought, extremism and terrorism. And what have accompanied that like: murders, terrorism, intimidating others, bombing facilities, stealing others money and property and threatening the security of the countries around the globe (Aseiry, 2003).

Protecting the youth minds and thought is the fundamental basis for achieving security and stability in any society. Balanced ideology is the main fundamental element for keeping security, while Intellectual deviation is one of the most significant threats to security and order. It aims at destabilizing the intellectual convictions, fundamentals of faith   and moral social and social standards.  No doubt that all the intellectual and behavioral deviations are based usually on a deviated ideology. Due to the fact that, intellectual security is the way to keep the nation safety and stability, it is important to use perfectly social media to be a tool that achieves both stability and security of societies (Al-Shahri, 2011).

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gives a great importance to the issue of intellectual security in all internal and external levels, and that is represented in the efforts that made by His Highness Prince Dr. Faisal Bin Mishaal bin Saud bin Abdul-Aziz , the Governor of Qassim Region, who lunched “the intellectual security award” in Qassim governate for all researchers :academics, intellectuals and students from males  and females in order to promote the concept of intellectual security for students, taking into consideration the great role of education in promoting the concepts of intellectual security. His Highness also lunched at Qassim University the campaign" Together against terrorism and deviant thought”. Then His Royal Highness inaugurated the English version for this campaign on the internet which aims to increase the awareness about terrorism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and stop the youth from joining prohibited organizations in KSA. His Royal Highness also lunched the program “Fortifying the Emerging” which is being implementing by the department of Islamic education under the management of education supervision in the General Administration for education in Qassim. At the same event, His Royal Highness also inaugurated a number of events and procedural programs for the electronic national Preventive “FATN” which focuses on the increase of the awareness and protect the students from the deviant thought and even the wrong behavioral practices.

is Royal Highness lunched the campaign” my way” to fight intellectual extremism. Some activities and meetings regarding  awareness and intellectual topics have been implemented at Qassim University, one of these activities was a partnership contract with Naïf Arab University for Security Sciences in the field of intellectual security, this partnership has led to held many scientific seminars, notably the seminar entitled :"Strengthening the citizenship and its role in fighting terrorism. In addition to that, it is worthy to mention the research chairs adopted by Qassim University regarding the issue of intellectual security (Al Freddy, 2015).

1.1. The Study Questions

The researcher senses the problem and came up with this study, so the problem can be crystallized by following questions:

Question 1: What is the effect of social networks in causing Intellectual deviation from Qassim University' Students perspective?.

Question 2:

Are there any significant differences at (a=0.05) among the response of Qassim university students due to the variables of gender (M & F) and period of use (Less than hour, One hour- three hours, More than three hours)?

1.2. The Study Significance

The importance of this research can be summarized as follows:

The study focuses on the role that Social media networks play in changing values and ethics. They consider main tools to maintain national and intellectual security for societies and keeping stability. Moreover, they play an important role in steering and managing Social and Political mobility.

The results of this study can benefit huge number of parties of individuals and official bodies, such as: s the Ministries of Education, Higher Education, the Ministry of Youth and Culture, Media and formal educational institutions and civil organizations that concern in youth affairs.

These days, young people urgently need to have a moderate thought away from extremism. This though based on Islam teachings of tolerance in order to make young able to distinguish between right and wrong. Moreover, our communities are also in dire need to keep stability and cohesion to confront the surrounding changes. This through the consolidation of intellectual security that is emanating from the Islamic sharia law.

1.3. The Study Concepts

Social Networking Sites:  are social networks between individuals through online communication that allows then introducing themselves, interests and choosing their friends list and exchanging ideas, images, and videos via multiple tools, such as: (Face book and twitter and Whats App and YouTube) .

Intellectual deviation:

to abandon thought and belief that emerged form Islam teachings, values, and thoughts.  Also, it represents the tendency toward extremism, fanaticism and negligence.


2.1. Literature Review

Islam showed great concern to intellectual security. As well as, it considers the safety of individual, family, society and nation a great necessity.  Nevertheless, it is an essential part for humanity in order to gather people in safe and stability. One of the evidences that assures what has been mentioned earlier a verse from the Holly Qur’an “And [mention] when We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer. And We charged Abraham and Ishmael, [saying], "Purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer]."(Al-Baqara, 125).Also in God saying “Who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear” (Qurush, 4).

Prophet Mohammed – Peace be upon him- has clarified that Security is an important requirement for Muslims. As indicated in the narration  by Salamah bin ‘ Ubayd-Allah ibn Mihsan al-Khatmi, from his father, who met the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whosoever begins the day feeling family security and good health; and possessing provision for his day is as though he possessed the whole world.'' (Al-Tirmidi, H2346).

Prophet Mohammed- Peace be upon him- as it is shown in the hadeeth, that human safety (this includes, body, money, physicality, and what makes him able to live) is the greatest thing that we can gain. This can be due to that insecurity changes the determinations of values and morals, as well, it makes money, health, and stability unsettled. Security is of major importance in our life, as well, life is to feel secure (Darweesh, 2009).

Researchers and specialists have different views regarding security issues in general ,and intellectual security in particular. Abraham Maslow discussed the topic of security  and divided  the motives of  human behavior into five motives .Maslow organized these motives hierarchically, he started with physiology needs as a basic motive then the needs for security in all levels comes directly .After that the social needs then the need of respecting and estimation, and finally the need of self-realization (Harper and Bros, 1987).

Prince Naïf bin Abdul-Aziz and the minister of interior also identifies the frame of intellectual security as the free minds from  deviant thoughts and wrong belief  for community members  which may threat the country’s security, Achieving security and stability in social life can  be through planned programs that based on increasing the public awareness for community’s people in political, economical and educational level which are being achieved by State agencies by its organizations (Nazmi, 2009).

The matter of intellectual security is not a new-born issue rather it existed from a long time from one hand. on the other hand, it has emerged more recently as a result of several internal and external factors, but the most notable once is the emergence of social media with all of its types (Darweesh, 2009).

The Contemporary technical development in the field of information technology and communications has made the world a small village with mixture of different civilizations. Thoughts and information are dramatically exchanged; this exchange reinforced the intellectual invasion concept in different degrees. It also led to the instability of the intellectual security .Consequently, an imbalance in the overall security system which hinders innovation and the development of civilization in communities (Al-Sedias, 2005).

2.2. The Definition of Intellectual Security

Intellectual security (IS) means to maintain authentic cultural components to face other foreign cultural currents that may seem suspicious. This  means protecting and fortifying the cultural identity from foreign penetration. As well, it indicates that IS saves minds from outer containment and keeps its maintenance.  This era has been marked by successive developments in various fields, which facilate the rapprochement between communities and peoples. As well, it led to that cultures became open to each other within mutual influence among them. this made it easier to enter the foreign intellectual currents including of its pros and cons (Nazmi, 2009).

According to Al-Juhni (2005) IS represents “commitment, moderation, and the sense of belonging to the nation's culture and values. In other words, it is protecting human mind and the thought”.

2.3. The Importance of Intellectual Security

IS enjoys a great importance, this due to its role in achieving security and stability for communities. This through addressing and defending against intellectual deviations. as we mentioned before, IS is not a new-born issue rather it is excited among the old ages and times (Nazmi, 2009).
Al-Sedias (2005) sees that IS plays a major role in achieving moral and religious stability, through the following disciplines :

  1. IS concerns about correcting legitimate concepts and terminology and purifying them from suspicious terms.
  2. Strengthen IS for children in order to be able to interact with the world around with confidence and get benefit of the other civilizations in various fields.
  3. IS has an enormous role in fighting terrorism, this through supporting intellectual dialogue that based on legitimate rooting, intellectual freedom and rationality addressing.

According to Al-Ghamedi (2010) IS has a distinct role in achieving political stability, this through the following:

  1. Intellectual mobilization, in particularly for young people. This means if intellectual security has been achieved for them, it would come back with positive impact for community through increasing loyalty to the political leadership.
  2. Bringing Islamic brotherhood together through building and strengthen the ties between the people of Islamic nation
  3. Achieving solidarity and constructive cooperation for Islamic nation, as well, increasing safety of thought.
  4. IS has a significant role in fighting crime and prevent it. Also, it enhances the stability of nations .

The importance of IS comes from that it is rooted in the Islamic faith and the basic tenets. It plays a role in defining its identity and characteristics. An example on that, if you want to build a construction, it is essential to start maintaining and keeping it from any type of any danger or threat. From there, it stems the importance of IS and it association with religion of the nation (Fares, 2012).

2.4. The Definition of Intellectual Deviation and Its Impact

Islamic belief is based on the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. So It focuses on  integrity and moderation. As it is indicated in  the Holy Qur’an “ And, [moreover], this is My path, which is straight, so follow it; and do not follow [other] ways, for you will be separated from His way. This has He instructed you that you may be righteous” (Al-Ana 'am, 153). Jabir bin 'Abdullah said that: We were with the Prophet- peace be upon him- and he drew a line (in the sand), then he drew other two lines to its right and two to its left. Then he put his hand on the middle line and said: 'This is the path of Allah. Then he recited the Verse: And verily, this (i.e. Allah's Commandments) is My straight path, so follow it and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you from His path..."(Narrated by Ibn Majah, H11).

Our god the almighty  has warned us from the deviation in belief and thought such as exaggeration and extremism through direct speech to the people of the book by saying: “Say, "O People of the Scripture, do not exceed limits in your religion beyond the truth and do not follow the inclinations of a people who had gone astray before and misled many and have strayed from the soundness of the way."(Al-Ma’ida, 77).

According to Al-Khatib (2004) Intellectual deviation is excluded from the ideology regarding what is right and what is wrong, and seek for spreading ideas that are misleading. This in order to discredit the objectives, goals and interests in illegal and illegitimate ways to obtain and achieve specific gains. This can hinder the state's security and stability, by  making it prone to violence, extremism and terrorism.

Intellectual deviation is a horrible since it distorts Nations with their identities. It demolishes the meanings of originality and strengths. Therefore, any nation that doesn’t  faces it, or  has no sense of it find itself in a position out of nowhere and unable to deal  and get over this problem (Nazmi, 2009).

Aseiry (2003) explains the main risks of intellectual deviation and its negative impacts on both society and individual’s lives as follows:

  1. It negatively affects the doctrine of the nation, religion and society, including thoughts contrary to the law of Islam, as well as, its foundations and pillars with the most important being related to basic belief or value; moderation.
  2.  It is a mean to publish heresies and polytheism, witchcraft, and disbelief that corrupt and ruined faith.
  3. Distortion of the image of Islam and its noble values of compassion, justice, tolerance and consensus (Shura), Which lead to alientation or abandoning converting to Islam then start terrorist acts that undermine security and stability.  This leads to discredit Islam and alienate people from it.
  4. This could risk or shake the principles of the nation and makes individuals hesitant about the convictions of faith. This, through what deviant currents such as, Secularism, communism, modernity, and westernization publish, and call for. As well as, other ideas that are contradict Islam, and call into questioning its validity for the current decade and its relevance and suitability to people’s life conditions. 
  5. It is a cause for corruption, and threatening the five necessities of which Islam has saved and kept. As well it leads to set rules and punishments for those violating its sanctity. It is a way to bloodshed and violation and damage money and property of others. Terrorist operations that are committed by those who have deviant thought aim at causing corruption either by killing Individuals, destruction of their property and money, or scare and intimidate them.
  6. It leads to social fragmentation, separation, and weakness of the unity. As well, it leads split people into different parties, threatens the national unity and, spread the spirit of hatred among various classes of society. It leads society to ignorance through encouraging sectarianism, classism and tribalism.

2.5. Aspects of Intellectual Deviation and Characteristics

According to Al-Shahri (2011) the sources of social imbalance that formulate deviant ideology, initiate form:

-Those who hold extremist ideas, a strong desire to exclude others. This may come from their understanding to that they are the only who understand the facts and things.

- Extremist ideas holders have a mono-way to view facts. For them, everything has only one face and one Path which is their own way and path. 

Those with extremist ideology hold intellectual guidance and convictions, in which they do not want to give up or waive. As well,   they refuse to discuss with others. According to that, extremism can be divided into three levels (Aref, 1981):

1. Mental and cognitive level, this includes the lack of ability to meditate and think.

2. Emotional Level, including Impulsive behavior.

3. Behavioral level, includes practice violence toward others.

2.6. Social Networking Sites

MySpace and facebook are social networking sites in which the first was launched in 2003, and the other in 2004. Then Twitter, YouTube, Messenger, whatsapp and Skype were created. Face book is the most famous social networking site that was created by Mark Zuckerberg while he was a student in Harvard. The aim behind creating it is to establish a network that connects all Harvard’s students together (Darweesh, 2009).

Corich  et al. (2004) define social networking websites as a Set of images and patterns of E-communication via the Internet, in which through can send questions or topics as well answers to frequently asked topics, or any responses regarding that.

Social networking is defined as “system of networks that are established through joining both the user and the site with the involvement of others people who share the same interests and hobbies”.  Recently, Social networking sites dominate young people's ideas, due to that they are considered a double-edged weapon, some they associate it with a negative impact on social relations and kinship. Others, believe that it is useful in knowing and bridging gabs with other culture. 

Kim (2010) defines social networking sites as sites that facilitate for individuals forming virtual communities and participate in content that is created by the user.

Most social networking sits share the same characteristics such as, Profile, profile picture, e-mail, friends list, matters of interests and dislikes, and the possibility of uploading music, pictures and videos. In Face book, for instance, users create personal profiles, then they start adding friends through sending  friend request to the other party, as soon as, the other party approves the request, it will be included in Friends List.  The users or friends can post or write a comment or uploading images, music and video clips on their wall. But (with the news provider) gives information about friends activities (West et al., 2009).

There is an overlap in the services that social networking sites offer. But there are certain aspects that keep like, focusing on keeping old friendships and make new friends, as a Face book. While, other sites are oriented commercially, such as (LinkedIn & Xing). Meanwhile, other networks focus matching` between individuals such as (Match). In other hand, some sites like, My Space focus on linking between people who share some interests such as music and animals (Boyd and Ellison, 2007).

2.7. The Effect of Social Networking Sites on the Intellectual Security

According to Al-Shahri (2011) E-terrorist groups focus on fueling emotions and feelings of young people, this through the following:

  1. Motivational discourse.
  2.  Get use of the international events and injustices that happen to Muslims and link it in arbitrary manner with some of the decisions that Arab and Islamic countries make, while showing the image of feeble acquiescence without regard to the legitimate interests.
  3. The violent groups incite through encouraging atonement .
  4. Publishing thought and dialogue groups and forums.
  5.  using the privacy options  of the e-mails and mailing groups to reach everyone as they need media and publishing methods that are away of control.

      Internet functions for these categories can be summed up in three areas (Al-Alami, 2011):

I: Media:  includes moral mobilization, inciting supporters and kind of media campaigns (a psychological warfare).

II: Communication and coordination between members of the groups in many ways, including the employment of encryption Arts in order not to be caught.

III: Employing software and Internet services in the field of education and training for the members, as well, exchanging ideas about ways to mislead the security men and matters of weapons and explosives industry.

The interaction with social media is not just a phenomenon; but it starts to other aspect as it demolishes the relations and social ties. This can be due to the fact that it has changed a lot the nature of human relations and has become away instead of direct contact. Moreover, it leads to other impacts such isolationism, hiding personality , addiction and alleviate the restrictions and limits that control the behavior. also  It has become a break for the standards and controls (Al-Astal, 2011). This interaction has increased the number of porn sites that led to  destroying values and ethics, spreading of vices, crimes and rumors. Also, it has turned people away from the values, norms and ethics (Guneta, 2011).

Many political problems have emerged as a result of the use of these sites including terrorism via mail in which terrorist groups use. Also, other sites that are against some countries policies, or a particular creed or person and intend to tarnish the image of the state and challenge its stability. Nevertheless, Electronic sites has emerged in which state borders became nothing through broadcast and spy satellite (Al-Astal, 2011).

Many crimes also emerged such as: gambling, money laundry, robbery, E-crimes, and falsification of data in which caused by social media (Guneta, 2011).

2.8. Previous Studies

We should point to the rarity of studies that deal directly with the effect of social networks in causing Intellectual deviation.

Abed (2012) has conducted a study aims at identifying “the role of social networks in orienting public opinion towards political and social change’. The researcher has used descriptive method. An instrument has been used to measure the role of social networks in guiding public opinion towards political and social change and distributed on (500) students of Palestinian universities in Gaza. The study revels to that; most effective social network is the email.

Al-Suleiman (2006) has conducted a study entitled in “The Preventive Procedures of Thoughts Deviation”. The researcher has used analytical - inductive method depending on Sharia recourse: Holy Quran, Sunnah and Islamic faith book, and other resources such as: previous studies, researches and books related to the topic. The results suggest that Islamic Sharia is an accurate balance that measures human behavior.  Moreover, Islamic faith is the first method of protecting from Intellectual deviation, and the most important protective measures for intellectual deviation is to commitment to the order of God.

Al-Namlh (2007) has conducted a study titled “The Role of Media on Developing Security Awareness against Terrorism”. The study aims at identifying the role of new media in increasing the security awareness and the obstacles that face that. The researcher uses survey- descriptive method. The researcher has prepared questionnaire and distributed it on (207) individuals. The study has revealed to that there is a need to guide a variety of media messages to suit different ages and social groups. On the other hand, there are no qualified journalists and specialist specialized in dealing with terrorism phenomenon, also there is a need to provide media speech that doesn’t based on media theories.

Nakpodia (2010) has examined the influence of culture on curriculum development in Nigerian Schools since education is regarded as the transmission of culture in a process known as enculturation. The study has revealed to that the primary task of the teacher is using the culture and school curriculum in helping pupils to make satisfactory adjustments as regards curriculum components and programs designed.

Fares (2012) has conducted a study aims at identifying the importance of intellectual security in Islamic nation as a component of national security.  The study has used descriptive method. A questionnaire has been built up and distributed on the sample.  The questionnaire consists of domains related to the concept, sources and ways of strengthen intellectual security. The study reveals to that Intellectual security is a central element to national security by including established curriculum and focus on multi-media means.

2.9. Commentary on the Previous Studies and the Rank of the Current Study regarding them

The researcher has used the previous studies to build up the instrument including its items and to suggest a Strategy to enhance intellectual security for students. .

-The study of (Al-Namlh, 2007; Abed, 2012) address the impact of social networking sites on threatening the national security in general.

-The study of Fares (2012) focus on the effect social networking sites on national security. Nakpodia (2010) assures the importance of strengthen intellectual security and protecting against intellection deviation through the curriculum by using preventive measures as Al-Suleiman (2006) recommend.

-The current study is different regarding to its aim in evaluates the effect of social networking sites in causing Intellectual deviation but the other studies focus on the effect of that sites on threatening the national security in general.


The researcher has used descriptive-analytical method, in which is based on collecting information from the sample. This method is used due to its suitability to the study purposes.

3.1. The Study Population

The population consisted of all male and female students in Qassim University, in which they were (9347) students: (3762) males and (5585) females.

3.2. Study Sample

The sample of the study consists of (370) male and female students in Qassim University in Al-Rass Governorate, The sample is selected through the simple random method, the following table shows the frequencies and percentages according to the study variables.

Table-1. Frequency and Percentages according to the Study Variables

Percentage Frequency Class  
45.4 168 Male Gender
54.6 202 Female
21.9 81 Less than hour Period of use
31.1 115 One hour- three hours
47.0 174 More than three hours
100.0 370 Total  

3.3. Study Instrument

The researcher has relied on the questionnaire as an instrument to collect information and data about the impact of social networks in causing intellectual deviation, the questionnaire entitled in “The impact of social networks in causing Intellectual deviation from Qassim University students’ perspectives in”. The questionnaire went through four stages, which are as follows:

  1. Reviewing the literature review and previous studies that concerned with the effect of social networks in causing Intellectual deviation .
  2. Discussing the aspects of the current study problem with faculty members to benefit from their experience in determining the measurement domains of the study topic.
  3. The instrument has initially prepared as a first draft.
  4. The instrument has introduced to a committee of professionals for a final modification. The final version has consisted of (35) items. The researcher has used 5-point Likert scale to evaluate the quality of performance. This is as the following:(1- 2.33 low), (2.34 – 3.67 medium), (3.68 – 5 high)

3.4. Instrument Reliability

Internal consistency has been calculated by using test-retest; through distributing the questionnaire, then distributing it again after two weeks on a pilot sample outside the study sample consisting of (40). After that Pearson correlation coefficient has been calculated between their estimates in the two times of (0.91). Internal consistency has calculated by Cronbach  alpha of (0.93). These percentages are considered fit for the study purposes.

3.5. Instrument Validity

The researcher has checked the instrument validity of the following types:

  1. Structure validity :
  2. The researcher has calculated the correlation between each item of the questionnaire’s items with the total degree of the domain.

  3. Content Validity:
  4. The questionnaire (in its first draft) is reviewed by a number of professional staff members to provide feedback and then modified into its final form.

    3.6. Study Variables

  5. The First Independent Variable: Qassim University students. This variable contains: gender (male and female), Period of use(Less than hour, One hour- three hours, More than three hours).
  6. The Dependent Variable: Responses of students of  Qassim University to the questionnaire (the Instrument).

3.7. Statistical Treatment

The researcher has used the following statistical methods according to the previous variables and aims:

  1. Means and standard deviation.
  2. Pearson Correlation to demonstrate the relation between variables.
  3. Figure out instrument’s validity and reliability.
  4. MANOVA analysis.


4.1. Results Regarding Question (1)

What is the effect of social networking sites in causing Intellectual deviation from Qassim University' Students perspective?

To answer this question the means and SD and the variables of gender (M & F) for the effect of social networks in causing Intellectual deviation from the Students perspective in Qassim University are calculated as demonstrated in the table-2.

Table (2) demonstrates that means are between (2.26 – 4.16) where the item No.(30) that states “Contribute in publishing  fad, sorcery and witchcrafts in all its types.” in the first rank with a mean of (4.19) for male and (4.13 )for female  . While the items No. (21)  that stats “Clarify Sharia concepts such as loyalty , innocence and governance to God” in the final rank with a mean of (2.61) for male and ( 2.62) for female  .

Table-2. Means and SDs of the items arranged according to the means and the variables of gender (M & F)

    Male   Female T Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
1 3.97 .938 3.84 .956 1.350 .178
2 4.10 .828 3.90 .941 2.087 .038
3 4.02 .822 3.69 1.000 3.368 .001
4 3.87 1.030 3.67 .871 1.981 .048
5 3.78 1.069 3.71 .986 .625 .532
6 3.78 .944 3.81 .866 -.341 .733
7 3.93 .886 3.58 .996 3.531 .000
8 3.77 1.078 3.66 .901 1.016 .310
9 3.80 .857 3.60 1.014 2.072 .039
10 3.81 1.061 3.58 1.010 2.089 .037
11 3.92 .963 3.81 1.016 1.059 .290
12 3.84 1.040 3.66 1.000 1.654 .099
13 3.86 .915 3.69 1.025 1.715 .087
14 3.98 .932 3.96 .913 .226 .821
15 4.02 .944 4.03 .840 -.128 .899
16 3.77 1.082 3.58 1.068 1.735 .084
17 3.79 1.022 3.49 .937 2.900 .004
18 3.38 1.054 3.33 .888 .537 .592
19 2.97 1.360 2.92 1.231 .367 .714
20 2.87 1.391 2.69 1.329 1.242 .215
21 2.61 1.304 2.62 1.237 -.081 .936
22 2.69 1.322 2.56 1.237 .946 .345
23 2.76 1.305 2.63 1.207 .981 .327
24 4.12 .813 4.11 .803 .191 .849
25 4.10 .891 4.13 .927 -.352 .725
26 3.97 1.046 4.01 .798 -.413 .680
27 4.11 .869 3.82 .891 3.102 .002
28 4.03 .892 3.88 .914 1.626 .105
29 3.98 .979 3.94 .931 .408 .684
30 4.19 .868 4.13 .839 .638 .524
31 3.99 .922 3.82 .902 1.748 .081
32 3.87 .872 3.76 .979 1.096 .274
33 3.99 .889 3.79 .783 2.254 .025
34 3.93 1.030 3.92 .863 .129 .897
35 2.74 1.448 2.71 1.435 .240 .810

Source: Research Findings

4.2. Results Regarding Question (2)

Are there any significant differences at (a=0.05) among the response of Qassim university students due to the variables of gender (M & F) and period of use (Less than hour, One hour- three hours, More than three hours)?To answer this question the responses of students of Qassim University on the study instrument according to period of use variables, as demonstrated in the table below:

Table-3. Means and SD for the responses of students of Qassim University on the study instrument according to period of use variables

Period  of use N Mean Std. Deviation
Less than hour 81 3.55 .567
One hour- three hours 115 3.60 .550
More than three hours 174 3.74 .599
Total 370 3.66 .582

  Source: Research Findings

Table-4. Means and SD for the responses of students of Qassim University on the study instrument according to gender and period of use variables

    Mean SD Number
Gender Male 3.72 .575 168
Female 3.60 .583 202
Period  of use Less than hour 3.55 .567 81
One hour- three hours 3.60 .550 115
More than three hours 3.74 .599 174

Source: Research Findings

Table (4) shows apparent variance in means and standard deviations of the sample responses due to the variance between variables: gender and period of use

To illustrate the statistical significance among the means, MANOVA analysis has been used (table 5).

Table-5. . MANOVA Analysis of Variance for the effect of gender and period of use for the responses of students of Qassim University on the instrument

Source of Variance Squares total Freedom Degree Squares means F value Significance
Gender 1.416 1 1.416 4.286 .039
Period of use 2.697 2 1.349 4.082 .018
Errors 120.931 366 .330    
Total 124.979 369        
Source: Research Findings

Table (5) illustrates the following:-

  1. There is a statistical significance at (α= 0.05) due to the effect of gender, where the F value (4.286) with a significance of (0.039) in favor of male.
  2. There is a statistical significance at (α= 0.05) due to the effect of period of use, where the F value (4.082) and in a significance (0.018), to identify the statistical differences  between the means.
  3.  Scheffe has used to post comparisons, as demonstrated in the table (6):

Table-6. . Post comparisons by using Scheffe for the effect of Period of use

period of use period of use Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig
Less than hour One hour- three hours -.05 .084 .849
More than three hours -.19(*) .078 .046
One hour- three hours Less than hour .05 .084 .849
One hour- three hours -.15 .069 .112
More than three hours Less than hour .19(*) .078 .046
More than three hours .15 .069 .112

               *The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

                * Statistical significance at (α= 0.05)

Table (6) illustrates that there is statistical significance at (α= 0.05) between (less than hour) and (more than three hours) in favor of (more than three hours).


5.1. Discussion of the Results of Question (1)

The statistical analysis results of Question (1) have represented in the means and SD and the variables of gender (M & F) of the sample subject’s response to the study instrument of regarding effect of social networks in causing Intellectual deviation from the students’ Point of View in Qassim university. The results  show that there is a huge effect  of social networks in causing Intellectual deviation .The researcher attributes that to the role of social networks that play as an instrument to spread social, political and religious ideas as well,

promote these ideas and find huge support for that.

This result agrees with Fares (2012); Nakpodia (2010) and Al-Suleiman (2006) that show there is a huge effect of social networks in general , and  agrees with Al-Namlh (2007) and Abed (2012) that show there is a huge effect of social networks in the national security in general .

5.2. Discussion of the Results of Question (2)

The results regarding the statistical analysis show that there are statistical differences at (a=0.05) attributed to (less than hour) and (more than three hours) due to (more than three hours). The researcher explains that to that student spend many hours in using different sites, this make them able to build a quite sufficient perspective, experience to recognize its effect this due to their acknowledgment of that.   Moreover, the results show there are statistical differences at (a=0.05) attributed to the gender in favor of Male students. The researcher relates that to the point that male students use social media more than female students.


The Researcher Recommends with the Following

  1. Collaboration between societal institutions to contribute in strengthen intellectual security for youth and defend against all types of intellectual deviation.
  2. Working on Islamic Legislation for Electronic media and finding Islamic websites with moderate and tolerant perspectives in addressing intellectual issues 
  3. Conducting new studies that shed the light on the role of social networking  on intellectual deviation for Youth and suggesting new methods to strengthen their intellectual security.


The researcher is indebted to Qassim university in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its support of researchers and scientific research .


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