Department of English, College of Sciences and Humanities, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
Saudi EFL learners have often felt a strong dissonance and lack of autonomy when learning a foreign language mainly due to overpowering influence of L1, the Arabic language, and partly due to penetration of socio-cultural norms in their communicative and learning patterns. This study investigates the moderating effect of classroom observation on relationship between learners’ motivation and learner autonomy in order to get the desired learners outcome. The study adopted a pretest and posttest experiment to measure the effect of classroom observation as a pedagogical technique in teaching EFL courses. These tests helped to assess how much classroom observation contributed to increasing the learners’ motivation and learner autonomy for a better attainment of learning outcomes. The data was collected through quantified results of pre-post tests and a questionnaire which focused on students’ views about classroom observation and other variables of the study, viz., motivation, learner autonomy and learning outcomes. Statistical results obtained through SPSS reveal that learners’ level of motivation and their autonomy increase as a result of increased frequency of classroom observation in their EFL courses. Prior to the implementation of classroom observation as a pedagogical technique, learners felt more inhibitions and dissonance resulting in consequences such as lack of motivation, loss of interest, low grades, rote learning, and too much dependence on the instructor’s help. But classroom observation as a novel pedagogical technique developed and sustained leaners’ motivation, learner autonomy and helped them attain best learning outcomes.
Keywords:Learner autonomy, Learners’ motivation, Learning outcomes, Classroom observation, EFL classroom, Saudi Arabia.
ARTICLE HISTORY: Received:14 June 2019 Revised:24 July 2019 Accepted:26 August 2019 Published:11 October 2019.
Contribution/ Originality:This study has deliberated to examine classroom observation as novel pedagogical technique, wherein learners share the comments and feedback of classroom observation. The study finds evidence that involving learners in classroom observation develops and sustains leaners’ motivation, learner autonomy and attains best learning outcomes.
A strong challenge before the teachers of English language in the preparatory year EFL classrooms in Saudi Arabia universities is to make learners communicate in English as they do not seize opportunities to learn the English language on their own (Alsaheli, 2019a). Culturally, learning a foreign language in a L1 dominated nation like Saudi Arabia at university level, particularly in the preparatory year, needs a strong teaching intervention, which could offer a scaffolding support to learners prior to opting their majors with English language as the medium of instruction and assessment.
Alamer (2014) observes that Saudi teachers emphasize upon memorization as the main learning technique. The focus on memorization perhaps originated from the perception that a person who could memorize the Holy Quran could also memorize language lessons as dexterously as the holy verses (Alamer, 2010
). This argument was supported by Koura and Al-Hebaishi (2014
) who too looked at a cohort in Saudi Arabia and accepted the role of religion shaping language learning, and all learning models within Saudi society should consider the influence of Saudi culture and religion. On the contrary, Reeve and Jang (2006
) found that English language teachers should notice key learning characteristics among learners and provide a better level of support to them, rather than holding culture or religion responsible for the weaknesses.
Studies have investigated classroom observation practices in Saudi universities (Keig and Waggoner, 1995; Keig, 2000
; Shah and Al Harthi, 2014
; Thomas et al., 2014
) and also found faculty qualified and experienced in this technique (Cohen and McKeachie, 1980
; Keig, 2000
; Harris and Cullen, 2008
; Atkinson and Bolt, 2010
). Keig (2000
) for instance, has also recommended use of classroom observation as a remedial teaching method through formative assessment, praise and constructive criticism of learners’ activities. This suggests classroom observation may also be directed towards attaining learner-centered goals such as learning outcomes. It has been widely argued that students’ learning could improve if instructors work collaboratively to improve teaching (Keig, 2000
; Anderson et al., 2005
; Donnelly, 2007
This study originated from a larger research study that focused on Teachers’ and Saudi EFL learners’ attitude for classroom observations (Alsaheli, 2019a) and another corresponding study (Alsaheli, 2019b
) wherein the author shed light on constraints like learners’ anxiety adversely affecting their perception and confidence levels. In both studies, the author pioneered the need for learners’ involvement in classroom observation techniques, in order to improve their communicative competence in the English language . In the current study, the author takes a step forward and examines the moderating effect of classroom observation on learner autonomy, motivation levels and on learning outcomes.
So far previous research studies have accepted classroom observation as a process of data collection and analysis of teaching methodology on collaborative basis (Allwright and Bailey, 1991; Bailey, 2006
; Nunan and Bailey, 2009
). However, no study ever thought to direct this technique as a teaching intervention to attain learning outcomes. Classroom observation only benefited the instructor and not the learners (Alsaheli, 2019b
). In this empirical study in EFL situation, Alsaheli (2019b
) argued that classroom observation enhances the confidence levels of learners by reducing their anxiety about their learning, provided the feedback of classroom observation is shared with the learners.. Learners should come to understand about their strengths and weaknesses and are able to make their learning more meaningful. While talking about learning outcomes, the author strongly claimed that classroom observation would help learners to develop their communicative abilities too. A few other studies however contradicted this view and express the fear that it would be difficult to establish a “congruence” between the observer and learners in a classroom situation (Herrell and Jordan, 2016
Teachers regularly prepare lesson plans to teach their class via whole-group instruction, which could improve the outcomes for all learners (Rogers, 2002). However, Guskey (2007
) and others argue that group instruction is not the best practice within regular classes in EFL situation as it cannot meet the range of abilities of all learners. Guskey (2003
) and Kennedy (2016
) had suggested that data collected from classroom observations could provide a blueprint of learners’ growth and development. Thus, classroom observation provided an opportunity to stretch the instructional experience over to learners within the EFL setting. Van Tassel-Baska et al. (2007
) stressed upon the use of classroom observation scales (COS) in order to elevate learning outcomes; though they lamented that no initiatives are taken to introduce COS or similar measuring tools in classrooms. If introduced, these scales can help measure and improve student involvement in EFL classrooms, develop new motivational techniques, strengthen teacher–student interactions, and help design teaching aids and materials. The COS, if designed, should contain at least six scales including scales of teaching behaviors, curriculum planning and delivery, understanding individual differences, problem-solving strategies, critical thinking, creative thinking strategies and research strategies (Van Tassel-Baska and Brown, 2007
). The authors also claimed that COSs are used effectively in several countries with different racial, language and cultural contexts. And therefore it could potentially prove successful in Saudi Arabia too.
Learner autonomy in the field of English Language education is not a new phenomenon (Borg and Al-Busaidi, 2012). People often confuse 'Learner autonomy' with ‘self-regulation’ or ‘self-efficacy’ (Nakata, 2014;2016
; Koban and Koc, 2016
) mainly because learners in a second language (L2) or a foreign language (FL) scenario, experience heteronomy and tend to become autonomous. Jiménez and Vieira (2015
) argues that both heteronomy and autonomy hint at learners’’ level of maturity dexterously supported by their parents, teachers, and school regulatory authorities. While the heteronomous phase suggests a kind of pressure imposed upon learners, since during this phase rules of learning do not change and are objective; but during the autonomous phase of learning, rules are subjective and changeable. The learners feel more motivated and observe flexibility.
Autonomy, in an educational setting, means the ability of a student to set his educational goals and to take responsibility for his own learning. Little (1991;1995;1999;2004) defines learner autonomy as "the principle that learners should be encouraged to assume a maximum amount of responsibility for what they learn and how they learn it." Meanwhile, Cambridge Dictionary states that autonomy is "the ability to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else." Hardy-Gould (2013
) says that learner autonomy takes place when the learner takes control and responsibility for their own leaning, both in terms of what they learn and how they learn it. These definitions show that the concept of autonomy is complex and there are various meanings of autonomy both in practice and in theory.
Agustina (2017) and Ahsanu (2017
) studied how English teachers looked at learner autonomy in general and how their perceptions about learner autonomy affect classroom practices. The study employed 145 English teachers and almost all respondents felt positive about the concept of autonomy as they expressed their agreement in the questionnaire that learner autonomy contributed to the success of students’ language learning. However it was also revealed that English teachers had various understanding about learner autonomy and thus the way they promoted it in the classroom varied considerably. Agustina (2017
) findings also helped to see these differences of understanding and different beliefs and practices in developing learner autonomy in English classrooms.
Benson and Voller (1997) theory was seen reflected in Agustina (2017
) study whose findings proved that autonomy was perceived differently as inborn capacities, as situation when students learned alone, and acquired skills and capability and responsibility to complete the task alone adequately supported by teachers. This study thus revealed that autonomous teachers also played a big role in developing learner autonomy and promoted autonomy in their classrooms. The findings of Agustina (2017
) study also reflected the need for teacher’s professional development activities particularly prior to implementing the curriculum which supported the development of learner autonomy. This study shows professional development activities can help teachers to modify their beliefs about autonomy especially those which are not in line with the principles for promoting learner autonomy in classrooms. In the current context, classroom observation could be termed as an opportunity of teachers’ personal development.
Farahian and Rezaee (2012) too, tried to explain how learner independence became a curricular area at the tertiary level preparatory program. This case study, following exploratory- interpretive method, examined the responses of teachers and learners to a kind of independent learning. The researcher investigated attitudes of instructors and learners based on different interpretations of learner autonomy. The findings proposed that learners were assigned passive roles in teachers' discourse and instructors were symbolized as “agents and controllers of education". The study concluded by saying that a rethinking was needed to make autonomy become a practical educational goal.
In the learner-centered atmosphere, motivation plays an important role. Students are motivated to learn new things with their own efficiency and effort. Unlike teacher-centered classroom, the major role is assigned to learners in order to get direct experience (Lamb and Wedell, 2013). However, it didn't completely discard the importance of the role of the teacher. Compared to teacher-centered classroom, learners' dependence on the teacher is limited. The learner can take the help of teachers to assess his/her needs, to make a safe learning atmosphere. Al Khalidi (2019
) also brought to attention the need for motivation in EFL classrooms with no exceptions. Such a study could therefore be applied in the current context too where the relationship of classroom observation is considered in ascertaining what role motivation plays in developing learner autonomy.
To examine the relationship between motivation and learners autonomy with the moderating effect of classroom observation to achieve the desired learning outcomes was among the significant objectives in the present study.
Based on the problem statement of the study and the review of arguments in previous studies, the following research hypotheses were stated and tested in the current study:
Research design in empirical research refers to specific processes comprising a research framework, research questions, hypotheses and selection of research tools for data analyses (Flick, 2014). The present research study is based on a similar research design that addresses the problem stated through research questions and research objectives which have been addressed through hypotheses testing. For hypotheses testing, the dataset was purely quantitative.
In order to conduct research, usually, two research approaches are employed : deductive approach and inductive approach (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). The deductive approach considers the testing of existing theory through some hypotheses development (Wiles et al., 2011
) followed by specific knowledge as gained through a research process (Kothari, 2004
). In this method, existing theories are tested and empirically justified. The inductive approach, on the other hand, moves from specific to general (Bryman and Bell, 2011
) and helps to generate new theories. The present research study adopted the deductive approach.
Figure 1 explains the theoretical relationship between independent and dependent variables (Learner autonomy, Motivation and Learning Outcomes) and the moderator (Classroom observation).
Figure-1. Theoretical framework.
Source: Created for the current research by the researcher.
This research was conducted in a Saudi university under its preparatory year program The sample size was 150 comprising both male and female EFL learners aspiring to join university programs in different disciplines and are required to acquire a certain level of English proficiency. The purposive sampling method was used in this research which suited the nature of this research.
Data was collected through a pretest and posttest experiment conducted to measure the effect of classroom observation as a pedagogical technique in teaching EFL courses. The tests were administrated both before and after the classroom observation with 30 participants sampled from the EFL classroom of the Preparatory year program of a Saudi university in Riyadh province during a full-length semester. These tests aimed at assessing the extent to which classroom observation contributed to increasing the learners’ motivation and learner autonomy for a better attainment of learning outcomes. A short questionnaire on five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5 with 1 as strongly disagree and 5 as strongly agree adapted from Johnson (2010) with 30 items was also prepared. The questionnaire focused on students’ views about classroom observation and other variables of the study viz., motivation, learner autonomy and learning outcomes. 150 students participated in the questionnaire. The data was collected through quantified results of pre-post tests and the questionnaire and statistical results were obtained with the use of SPSS software.
Table-1. Sub-variables of the study.
Item | No |
Sub variables |
Classroom observation and learning outcomes | 1. |
Classroom observation offered more academic freedom. |
2. |
Classroom observation allowed more time and attention to individual learning needs. | |
3. |
Classroom observation helped in better results. | |
4. |
Classroom observation improved the quality of instruction. | |
Learners autonomy and learning outcomes | 1 |
Learners felt less stressful in class participation. |
2 |
Learners’ academic freedom helped n better understanding of the subject. | |
3. |
Learners felt more mature ad perfect in learning the curriculum. | |
Motivation and learners autonomy | 1. |
Learners felt self-motivated and developed feeling of self-regulation. |
2 |
Learners felt stronger and empowered by the motivated environment. | |
3 |
The learner developed the feeling of acceptance and making choice and decision making. |
Source: Based on the researcher’s findings.
For the purpose of Pearson analysis, the research study also identified a few sub-variables as shown in Table 1.
A big challenge while performing a construct validity test of an instrument like questionnaire is to find out whether appropriate constructs or items that give a phenomenal explanation have been chosen; or, whether those chosen constructs were appropriately operationalized. Hence, in order to ensure construct validity, a number of procedures can be performed, such as convergent validity, and discriminant validity (Clark and Watson, 1995). The construct validity is supported only when measures exhibit a high correlation among the same construct, by utilizing various methods, and when the measures exhibit low correlations for different constructs. In this context, construct validity can be determined using discriminant and convergent validity.
Convergent validity is defined as a parameter to determine the extent of two variables which are supposed to be related and actually related. The convergent validity shows whether any relation exists among the scaled items and whether the relationship among the same scale factors is high enough to perform the test for discriminant validity. Convergent validity is also required when a set of variables come together in order to estimate a specific concept. Each item loading is assessed and validated requiring all the item loadings to satisfy the recommended level i.e. greater than 0.70.
The convergent validity of the questionnaire used in the present study as presented in Table 2 shows the values for composite reliability and Cronbach alpha. The range of Cronbach alpha came out as 0. 780 to 0.987, whereas the range of composite reliability was 0.881 to 0.956 The range for composite reliability exceeded the recommended value i.e. 0.70, Kerlinger and Lee (2000) which confirms the convergent validity for the outer model. To further ensure the convergent validity, average variance extracted test was also performed.
Item |
Cronbach's alpha |
Composite reliability |
Average variance extracted (AVE) |
0.870 |
0.967 |
0.956 |
0.650 |
0.950 |
0.950 |
0.890 |
0.750 |
0.987 |
0.949 |
0.881 |
0.820 |
0.867 |
0.968 |
0.970 |
0.660 |
*LAU= Learners’ autonomy; MOT= Motivation; COB= Classroom observation; and LOU= Learning outcomes.
Discriminant validity, likewise, is a test to determine whether the concepts which are supposed to be unrelated are in fact found to be related. It also determines the extent of correlation among variables examined whether a variable was not actually same as other variables (Byrne, 2010). In other words, it examined how much a specific variable was different from the rest of the variables (Duarte and Raposo, 2010
). Thus, higher discriminant validity shows that a variable has some distinctive features as compared to other variables. The square roots of AVE are estimated to confirm discriminant validity, which would be achieved if all the square roots come out to be greater than correlations between the constructs (Chin, 1998
The discriminant validity existing among the constructs and variables of this study are presented in Table 3
Table-3. Discriminant validity.
Item |
0.825 |
0.827 |
0.894 |
0.815 |
0.892 |
0.911 |
0.885 |
0.723 |
0.730 |
0.817 |
*LAU= Learners’ autonomy; MOT= Motivation; COB= Classroom observation; and LOU= Learning outcomes.
For data analysis, the present study applied both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics help to explain the nature of data set in the form of mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and other normality measures (Merchant et al., 2012). All these measures are used for predictors, outcomes, moderator, and control variables of the study. Besides, regression diagnostics were applied to check the normality and reliability of the data such diagnostic tests are very useful as they describe and highlight the hidden issues in data sets.
Further to testing the convergent and discriminate validity, the relationship of classroom observation with its associated variables was tested by Pearson correlation methods. Correlation was tested between (i) classroom observation and Learning outcomes, (ii) learners autonomy and Learning outcomes, and (iii) motivation and learners autonomy.
Table-4. Pearson’s correlation coefficients.
Classroom observation influence learning outcomes | |||
Pearson correlation |
Sig. (two-tailed) |
n |
Classroom observation offered more academic freedom. | 0.708* |
0.000 |
150 |
Classroom observation allowed more time and attention to individual learning needs. | 0.611* |
0.000 |
150 |
Classroom observation helped in better results. | 0.609* |
0.000 |
150 |
Classroom observation improved the quality of instruction. | 0.519* |
0.000 |
150 |
Note: *the significance of correlation measured at 0.01 level (two-tailed).
Table-5. Pearson’s correlation coefficients.
Learners autonomy influence learning outcomes | |||
Pearson correlation |
Sig. (two-tailed) |
n |
Learners felt less stressful in class participation. | 0.538 |
0.000 |
150 |
Learners’ academic freedom helped n better understanding of the subject. | 0.381 |
0.000 |
150 |
Learners felt more mature and perfect in learning the curriculum. | 0.045 |
0.000 |
150 |
Note: *Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed); **correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).
Table-6. Pearson’s correlation coefficients.
Motivation influences learning outcomes | |||
Pearson correlation |
Sig. (two-tailed) |
n |
Learners felt self-motivated and developed feeling of self-regulation. | 0.788 |
0.000 |
150 |
Learners felt stronger and empowered by the motivated environment. | 0.380 |
0.011 |
150 |
The learner developed the feeling of acceptance and making choice and decision making. | 0. 450 |
0.000 |
150 |
Source: Based on researcher’s findings.
As explained earlier, a pre-test and a post-test were conducted to understand the impact of classroom observation on variables of the study. Based on the results of the pre-test, the following descriptive analysis was evident Table 7.
Table-7. Results of pretest data descriptive statistical analysis.
Data |
N |
Range |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Sum |
Mean |
Std. deviation |
Variance |
Pretest |
30 |
30 |
30 |
75 |
1565 |
57,83 |
9,960 |
91,513 |
Valid N |
30 |
Source: Results of descriptive analysis of pretest data.
Table 7 exhibits that the pretest score of learners’ understanding about classroom observation was 30 at the lowest and the highest score was 75. It was classified as: strongly disagree = 30 - 45, disagree = 46 - 60, neutral = 61 - 70, agree = 71 - 80, strongly agree> = 81. The average score of the pretest was 57.83 showing the level of classroom observation as ‘slightly accepted’ by learners.
After obtaining the results of the pretest, classroom observation as pedagogical technique was introduced in the EFL classrooms of the preparatory year. Learners were too quick in accepting the classroom observation as a teaching technique. After the completion of one semester, the learners were given a posttest. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics whose results are shown in Table 8.
Table-8. Results of posttest data descriptive statistics.
Data |
N |
Range |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Sum |
Mean |
Std. deviation |
Variance |
Posttest |
30 |
35 |
60 |
95 |
2445 |
81,50 |
9,500 |
94,741 |
Valid N |
30 |
Source: Results of descriptive analysis of post test data.
Table 8 illustrates that the score of learners’ acceptance of classroom observation as a teaching technique was 60 at the lowest and 95 at the highest. The score was classified as: strongly disagree = 30 - 45, disagree = 46 - 60, neutral = 61 - 70, agree = 71 - 80, strongly agree> = 81. The average score of the pretest was 81.50 showing the level of classroom observation as at a very good level and ‘strongly accepted’ by learners. At this stage it was necessary to conduct a normality test to find out whether the data obtained was normally distributed and then conduct the paired sample t-test because a requirement to conduct a paired sample t-test is to ensure that the data must be normally distributed. Table 9 illustrates the results of the normality test for both pretest and posttest data.
Table-9. Results of the normality test of pretest and posttest data.
Data |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistic |
Df |
Sig. |
Pretest |
.934 |
30 |
.063 |
Postest |
.948 |
30 |
.150 |
The normality test performed on pretest and posttest data as shown in Table 9 with Shapiro-Wilk table section. The significance obtained from the pretest was 0.063 which means > 0.05 and the posttest was 0.150 also > 0.05. Similarity significance obtained was > 0.05, which proves that the pretest and posttest data scores were normally distributed. Subsequently the data was tested by using paired t-test samples to assess the extent of acceptance of classroom observation among the learners of EFL classrooms in the PYP of a Saudi university.
The results of the paired sample t-test are shown in Table 10.
Table-10. Results of the paired sample t-test of learners’ acceptability of classroom observation.
Paired differences |
t |
Df |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Mean |
Std. deviation |
Std. error mean |
95% confidence interval of the difference |
Lower |
Upper |
Pair 1 |
Pretest – Posttest |
-26,667 |
8,235 |
1,504 |
-29,742 |
-23,592 |
-17,736 |
29 |
,000 |
Source: Results of statistical data analysis t test samples in pairs.
The results of the paired sample t-test revealed that t value is -17.736 with the significance level of 0.000, which means <0.05. This suggests a significant difference in the learners’ understanding of classroom observation as a teaching technique in pretest and posttest, and this difference is statistically significant. It can be concluded that classroom observation in EFL classrooms proves to be an effective pedagogical technique in the PYP program of a Saudi university. Concurrently, the hypotheses of the study were also tested. For this purpose, a hypothesized structural model was established with path coefficients defined to determine the relationship between each construct and to make decisions about the tested hypotheses. After assessing the structural relationship among variables of the measurement model, the goodness of fit was also checked. The goodness of fit determines whether the model is suitable for testing of hypothesis. Table 11 and Table 12 exhibit the mean, standard deviation and p-values of all hypotheses and also the effect of the moderator variable.
Table-11. Direct relations among hypotheses.
Original sample (O) |
Sample mean (M) |
Standard deviation (STDEV) |
T statistics (|O/STDEV|) |
P values |
H1 |
0.224 |
0.216 |
0.068 |
3.272 |
0.001 |
H2 |
0.263 |
0.253 |
0.058 |
3.356 |
0.001 |
H3 |
0.852 |
0.854 |
0.039 |
3.012 |
0.000 |
H4 |
0.224 |
0.216 |
0.068 |
3.272 |
0.001 |
H5 |
0.974 |
0.969 |
0.070 |
3.839 |
0.000 |
Source: Based on researcher’s findings.
The measurement model was converted to a structural model to examine the relationship between variables. The results for direct hypotheses as stated in Table 11 reveal that all of the direct hypotheses are significantly accepted. All hypotheses are seen significant at 5% showing p-values of less than 0.05, thus indicating the acceptance of the formulated hypotheses. The moderating role of classroom observation is shown in Table 12 whose outcome is also shown significant for p and t values above the threshold level, i.e. less than 0.05 as acceptable. These results of moderation show that the values for p and t are significant for the hypotheses.
Table-12. Indirect resuts (Moderation).
Original sample (O) |
Sample mean (M) |
Standard deviation (STDEV) |
T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) |
P values |
Moderating effect |
0.052 |
0.053 |
0.063 |
0.825 |
0.000 |
Source: Based on researcher’s findings.
The current study was designed to examine the moderating effect of classroom observation on the relationship between learning autonomy, motivation and leaning outcomes in EFL classrooms of a PYP of a Saudi university. The study employed questionnaire survey-based research design, accompanied with Pearson correlation analysis and pretest and posttest as tools to achieve the objectives of the study. The SPSS-20 was used to analyze the data collected from the questionnaire. The findings revealed that learners’ level of acceptance of classroom observation increases due to its use as a pedagogical technique as this positive phenomenon was noticed in the increase in the level of motivation, learner autonomy and high learning outcomes. These variables were hypothetically tested and showed positive relationships. Universities in Saudi Arabia currently are facing issues related to teaching methodology in EFL classrooms with mother tongue (L1) interference as a big hurdle in sustaining learning. For this purpose, it is therefore important that universities should adopt and implement classroom observation as a pedagogical technique as recommended in this study. The current study additionally perceives that with the introduction of classroom observation as a pedagogical technique, it will be easier to achieve the educational objectives in line with the nation’s 2020 vision. The stringent policies in terms of teaching methodology must also be made flexible and innovation should be promoted in teaching and learning methods.
Funding: This study received no specific financial support. |
Competing Interests: The author declares that there are no conflicts of interests regarding the publication of this paper. |
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