International Journal of Publication and Social Studies 2024-06-03T05:16:15-05:00 Open Journal Systems Language matters: Analysing the national environmental policy of India (2006) from an ecolinguistic discourse analytic perspective 2024-03-20T01:40:29-05:00 Midhun Mohan <p>This study aims to scrutinize the discursive practices which are as important as the practical steps when it comes to environmental management. The role of discursive practices when it comes to environmental preservation is overlooked by the practitioners. While the previous studies were focusing more on the political and ideological side of <a href="#_ENREF_14">the</a> policy taken for the study, the discursive side remained unexamined. By focusing more on the harmful discursive practices regrading environment such as anthropocentric language, phrases, usages used in the National environment policy, the study offers a fresh perspective to Indian environmentalism and policymaking regarding environment. By analyzing the environment policy under the lens of Ecolinguistic discourse analysis, the invisible disparities that are there in the policy will be made perceptible. The study also highlights the importance of incorporating Indian ecosophy (ecological philosophy) when formulating such policies, which advocates interconnectedness, interdependence and environmental stewardship. By addressing and rectifying harmful discursive usages, policymakers can contribute to enhancing environmental awareness, correcting misconceptions and fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnected relationship between humans and environment. The findings of the study remind of the need for holistic and inclusive linguistic usages and the problematic side of the existing language used in the environmental policy.</p> 2024-03-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mapping the landscape of spatial literacy research: Bibliometric analysis 2024-06-03T05:16:15-05:00 Chan Kar Lai Mazlina Che Mustafa Hanifah Mahat <p>The study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of spatial literacy research through a bibliometric analysis, focusing on its development, essential themes, key contributors, and collaboration patterns.&nbsp; Using statistical text-mining and citation link-based clustering techniques, 690 spatial literacy publications from the Scopus database were analyzed, with data extracted on February 18, 2024.&nbsp; The analysis revealed a steady increase in spatial literacy publications, peaking in 2009, and identified key peaks in cited papers in 1996, 2003 and 2012, with a subsequent decline post-2012.&nbsp; Document profiles primarily consisted of articles (60.14%) and sourced from journals (67.97%), with The Journal of Geography being the most active title.&nbsp; Notably, Newcombe, N.S., emerged as the most productive author, while the work of Bednarz and Kemp received the highest number of citations. ‘The Separability of Working Memory Resources for Spatial Thinking and Language Processing: An Individual Differences Approach’ by Shah and Miyake was identified as the most influential document, garnered a minimum of 100 citations per written document.&nbsp; Additionally, the United States stood out with both the largest number of publications and the highest citation impact in spatial literacy research.&nbsp; This bibliometric analysis provides valuable insight into the spatial literacy research landscape, guiding for future research directions and fostering collaborations in this field.</p> 2024-06-03T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024