Does Higher Education Reduce Poverty among Youths in Nigeria?
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Poverty, Youths, Logit model, Probability, Propensity Score matching, Treatment effect.

How to Cite

Ezebuilo R, U. . ., & Emmanuel O, N. . . (2014). Does Higher Education Reduce Poverty among Youths in Nigeria?. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(1), 1–19. Retrieved from


Poverty is a serious problem in Nigeria with estimated 70.2 percent of Nigerians on less than 1$ daily. Poverty in Nigeria resembles a paradox, with her wealth; she still faces an enormous challenge in her effort to reduce poverty. The government has vigorously pursued poverty reduction policies through educational and other policies yet the issue of high rate of poverty is still problematic. This study aims at finding the impact of higher education on poverty among youths in Nigeria. We used propensity score matching and Logistic regressions to estimate the impact of higher education on youth poverty. We used data from 2004 National Living Standard Survey. We found that higher education has the capacity to reduce poverty. Those who had a higher education had the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT), an average gain in expenditure per capita by higher education receiving households, using nearest neighbor matches as N20,106.87.

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