Economic Development, Women Empowerment and U Shaped Labour Force Function : Time Series Evidence for Bangladesh
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Female labor force participation rate, Economic growth, Bangladesh.

How to Cite

Husain, H. . (2016). Economic Development, Women Empowerment and U Shaped Labour Force Function : Time Series Evidence for Bangladesh. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 6(12), 719–728.


This paper supports the validity of nonlinear quadratic U shaped function between female labor force participation rate and Economic Growth for Bangladesh over the period 1991 -2012. The result is robust when growth of per capita energy consumption is considered as a proxy indicator of economic development. In Bangladesh the rising portion of U curve is explained by women’s active participation in manufacturing and service sector. Women are still economically active in the Agricultural sector of the economy. Added worker effect dominates discouraged worker effect. Women join the labor force regardless their marital status. Female labor force participation has positive impact on economic growth.
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