A Seasonal Arima Model for Daily Nigerian Naira-Us Dollar Exchange Rates
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Naira-Dollar Exchange Rate, Seasonal Time Series, ARIMA model, Nigeria

How to Cite

Etuk, E. H. (2012). A Seasonal Arima Model for Daily Nigerian Naira-Us Dollar Exchange Rates. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 2(6), 219–227. Retrieved from https://archive.aessweb.com/index.php/5004/article/view/2901


Time series analysis of daily Nigerian Naira-US Dollar Exchange Rates (DNDER) data is conducted. The time plot reveals a positive trend. Seasonality of order 7 is observed; troughs tend to appear on Mondays and peaks on Fridays. Seasonal differencing once produced a series SDDNDER with a slightly overall negative trend. A non-seasonal differencing of SDDNDER yielded a series DSDDNDER with no trend but with a correlogram revealing seasonality of order 7. Moreover, the correlogram reveals the involvement of a seasonal moving average component of order 1 and a nonseasonal autoregressive component of order 2. An adequate multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, (2, 1, 0)x(0, 1, 1)7, is therefore fitted to the series.

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