Grouping the Tour Packages Services of Hotel Chains Applying the Galois Lattices
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Hotels, tour packages, Decision making, Theory of affinities, Galois lattices

How to Cite

LAFUENTE, A. M. G., & OH, Y. K. . (2013). Grouping the Tour Packages Services of Hotel Chains Applying the Galois Lattices. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 3(5), 538–550. Retrieved from


The aim of this work is to find what services could be offered through hotel establishments to determined collectives of customers. In order to do this, we have studied the current situation with the report of hotels established by official category from one to five stars for the last five years in Spain (2007-2012). Second, we analyzed different typologies of customers with characteristics and different travel motivations who are staying in hotels in order to take into account of the creation of new facilities and services. Third, with the application of the Theory of Affinities, through the Galois Lattices, be establishing what services or elements can be accompanied between one to another in order to achieve the generation of groupings of new tourist packages between different services and facilities offered by a hotel that result more attractive respect to the competition. Finally, this study has been possible because of the approach of the Galois Lattices that allows an overall vision for effective decision making. Thus, it is possible to find structure for types of customers could be attracted by the hotels in terms of the facilities or services which are offered to the companies.

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