Identification, selection and observation of Nuansa Sanggabuana soybean, its yield and resistancy to diseases
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Description, Glycine max, Identification, Resistance, Selection, Yield

How to Cite

Komariah, A., Noertjahyani, Hardedi, & Buhturi, S. . (2017). Identification, selection and observation of Nuansa Sanggabuana soybean, its yield and resistancy to diseases . Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 7(1), 17–27.


Study to get Nuansa Sanggabuana (NS) of Karawang soybean variety to be released to become superior variety was conducted district of Karawang, West Java province, from 2010 to 2014. The study consisted of identification, purification and description, adaptation test. The identification step was conducted positive mass selection; purification was done a negative mass selection, adaptation yield test and also resistances to diseases. The test was arranged in randomized block design by comparing NS Karawang with Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, Orba, Grobogan, and Rajabasa which was repeated 4 times. Identification result had two NS Karawang local variants based on colour on the trunk, which were grey trunk fur and brown trunk fur. Variant which was purified for the next generation was one brown trunk fur. On-off type individual purification step was discarded and made description based on UPOV standard. Adaptation test result showed that differences between NS Karawang and Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, Orba, Grobogan, and Rajabasa variety on plant’s height, number of productive trunk, number of pod for each plant, weight of 100 grains, yield per plant, yield per unit, and yield per hectare. NS Karawang had higher yield than Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, Orba, and Rajabasa but lower yield than Grobogan.
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