Spatio-Temporal Changes in the Patterns of Male and Female Agricultural Labour in Punjab: A Geographical Analysis
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Agricultural labour, Farm operations, Farm mechanization, Non-farm sector, Scheduled castes population, Vegetable farming

How to Cite

Singh, S. . (2021). Spatio-Temporal Changes in the Patterns of Male and Female Agricultural Labour in Punjab: A Geographical Analysis. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 10(1), 183–193.


The present paper attempts to examine the Spatio-temporal changes in the distribution patterns of male and female agricultural labour at tehsil level in Punjab. This study assumes importance given the significant decline in both male and female agricultural labour in the state particularly after the implementation of the new economic policy in India in 1991. The data on agricultural labour for census years of 1991 and 2011 collected from Primary Census Abstracts. The analysis concluded that vast areas of the state namely central plains followed by northeast sub-mountainous have recorded a decrease in the proportion of female agricultural labour which was more than their male counterparts during 1991-2011. The major reason behind the decline in female agricultural labour has been mechanization of farm operations while casualization of work in agriculture and shift of labourers from farm to better paid non-farm sectors led to the decline in male agricultural labour in the state. The most important suggestions came in the form of formulating a policy to absorb the displaced male and female labour in non-farm occupations through area-specific short term skill programs as well as implementing state’s crop diversification plan for engaging less skilled females in the cultivation of labour intensive and high income earning vegetables farming in Punjab.
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