Functionality of Extension Activities among Rice Farmers’ Cooperatives in Delta State, Nigeria
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Cooperatives, Extension activities, Extension workers, Rice farmers, Self-help, Techniques.

How to Cite

O, O., CN, A., AU, D., & OJ, O. (2022). Functionality of Extension Activities among Rice Farmers’ Cooperatives in Delta State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 12(2), 113–122.


This study appraises the functionality of extension activities among rice farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. Both purposive and random sampling techniques were used to generate a sample size of 140 respondents. Results revealed that the majority of respondents (> 90%) got information from fellow farmers and cooperative members. It was also discovered that members were satisfied with annual meetings (x̄ = 3.50), monthly contributions (x̄ = 3.47), interest rate (x̄ = 3.21), loan payback (x̄ = 3.21), partnerships with other cooperatives (x̄ = 3.20), training sessions (x̄ = 3.19) and joint farm maintenance (x̄ = 2.90). The chi-square test revealed that significant differences occurred between age and constraints (x̄ = 12.76; p < 0.05). It was concluded that majority of the perceived limitations confronting extension activities must have dwindled their efforts and resulted in their poor functionalities. It is recommended that there should be sustainable practice of extension workers’ capacity building, particularly in rice production.
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