The Relevance of a Rules-based Fresh Milk Price Structure Policy in East Java: An Evidence Based Assessment
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Price structure, Dairy farming, Dairy cooperative, Dairy industry

How to Cite

Nugroho , B. A. . (2011). The Relevance of a Rules-based Fresh Milk Price Structure Policy in East Java: An Evidence Based Assessment. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1(2), 50–55. Retrieved from


At present, Indonesia is still lack of fresh milk supply, domestic fresh milk production is covered only 30% national fresh milk processing industry needed and is about 70% milk industry material should be imported, mainly from New Zealand, Australia, EU and USA. The following actors are active in the formal dairy supply chain in Indonesia: (1) Milk producers, (2) The primary dairy/ village cooperatives (KUD), (3) The overall dairy cooperative (GKSI), (4) The milk processors/ dairy industry, (5) Based on that situation, and to improve the development of small scale dairy farming activities in east java, this paper have an objective to examine the relevance of a rules-based fresh milk price structure policy in east java. East java dairy supply chain inefficiencies are reflected in a relatively large difference between farm gate milk price and consumer prices of milk products. Factors like the dependency on imported milk powder and the strongly fluctuating world market prices, the lack of protection against world market fluctuations for the local milk producers, the scale and structure of dairy farming, and poor raw milk quality affect the development of east java dairy supply chain.

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