The Integration of Corpus-Based Approach with EFL Academic Writing in the Saudi Context
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Corpus, EFL,Language technology, Arab students, Learner corpora, Data-driven learning DDL, Writing skills, Earning autonomy, Collocations, Vocabulary learning.

How to Cite

Al-Qahtani, A. A. . . (2021). The Integration of Corpus-Based Approach with EFL Academic Writing in the Saudi Context. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 10(1), 22–45.


This study aims to identify the role of integrating technology in enhancing the use of language. The impact of utilizing the corpus-based approach (CA) on EFL learners’ academic writing is investigated; highlighting the effects of this integration on L2 learning and writing approaches. The competence development in EFL academic writing skills is asserted by tackling the contextual factors that influence corpus integration. This qualitative study is based on (10) case studies on non-native students in EFL academic writing courses. The corpus approach in this study was implemented during the fourth year of their English undergraduate program in the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020. Five different instruments were used to achieve the study purposes. The findings indicate the positive effect of incorporating corpus and its use in EFL students’ academic writing development and language awareness. The lexico-grammar integration has also been promoted significantly. The corpus-based approach enables participants to solve the problems they encountered while writing independently. Students also gain more confidence and become more autonomous and independent EFL writers. In this study attention is drawn to the participants’ language and learning background experience as factors that can shape the students’ progress and success in corpus implementation. The distinctive role of general corpora in association with the development of the academic writing skills is further highlighted. It is hoped that that the current study will reinforce the tendency of incorporating grammatical language aspects such as collocations and phrasal verbs in the writing pedagogy process.
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