Towards Democracy or simply the Regime Change in the Middle-east and North Africa: The Double Stands of Imperialism
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Prabhakar, A. C. . (2011). Towards Democracy or simply the Regime Change in the Middle-east and North Africa: The Double Stands of Imperialism. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 1(2), 69–72. Retrieved from


BRICS countries-India, China, Russia, Brazil and South Africa passed a resolution that no military intervention of any sort should be resorted to by the United States, France or NATO. This is the high time the BRICS and African Union countries take strong steps to hold the uncalled for aggression in order to protect the sovereignty of Libya and the lives of millions of Libyans. The air strikes in Libya by France, the USA and the NATO has positioned its warships off the coast of Libya. There is talk of imposing a ‘no fly zone’ over Libya. The imperialist powers are interested mainly in the oil wealth of Libya and seek to utilize the revolt against the Gaddafi regime to pursue their own interests.

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