Chromosome Aberrations in a Mexican Pediatric Hospital. Ring Chromosomes 4, 13 and 18
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Chromosome 4, Chromosome 13, Chromosome 18, Ring chromosome, Cariotype, Mosaics, Malformations.

How to Cite

Manuel, A. R. J. ., Margarita, B. P. ., & Mercado, S. C. . (2014). Chromosome Aberrations in a Mexican Pediatric Hospital. Ring Chromosomes 4, 13 and 18. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 4(6), 280–291. Retrieved from


The chromosome alteration due to a ring formation, is a rare event of chromosomes 4, 13 and 18 which is in relation to changes in the phenotypic development, neurologic and genital abnormalities. It was also observed clinical variations as treboliform skull with early seizures and malformed genitals with micropenis. Looking at chromosome alterations, the ring of autosomic chromosome 4, 13 and 18 are not frequent, the main clinical alterations in this study are in relation to neurological, genital and craniofacial malformations. Taking in consideration that mutations are considered alterations in the chromosome number or structure. Since all these genetic changes are seen when a human being is starting to get cell maturation, considered the first three months old of development the most important for the cell and DNA. Due to the different repair processes inside the cell. Almost 5000 chromosomal studies were performed at a Pediatric Hospital in Mexico during a long period of time were more than 1500 patients showed various chromosomal alterations including ring chromosome aberrations. All the chromosome changes five rise to different genetic diseases. And are described in this study analyzing their clinical characteristics, medical or surgical treatments in multidisciplinary manner.

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