Illegal Racing Among The Youth: What Exactly Motivate Them?
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Illegal racing, Stress, Reward, Peers, Psychology

How to Cite

Mansor, N. ., & Mat, A. C. . (2011). Illegal Racing Among The Youth: What Exactly Motivate Them?. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 1(5), 117–126. Retrieved from


This paper attempts to explore the issues of illegal racing that has threatened not only those involved but to the general public as well. Specifically, this study will examine the factors that influence youth to involve in illegal racing. Among the possible factors that seem to be very much related with the study include elements such as stress, attractiveness of reward, role of peers and psychological development among the youths. As this is an exploratory study the focus of the investigation used data that are collected among the youths in the district of Hilir Perak. A sample of 228 questionnaires was analyzed through convenience sampling for the unknown population among the youth. Only 76 from them were directly involved in illegal racing while the other 152 were not directly involved but knows the development of the activities. The results of the analysis provide a clear reasoning for the involvement in illegal racing. The hypotheses formulated in the study which are symmetrical to those that been discussed by the general public demonstrated to be significantly correlated. Hence, elements such as stress, reward, friends and psychological attachments provide a good explanations and significantly related for youth involvement in illegal racing.

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