Considering the importance of human resource development goals of today's Schools and organizations, to address the patterns and techniques necessary for understanding and guiding staff is one of the most effective methods and guidance, familiarity with topics and transformative leadership styles and management practices is the transformative leadership style and management skills. The purpose of the present research as a descriptive-correlative research was to study the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformative leadership style of Principals who work in Secondary education. So five components include Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social skills and four styles of transformative leadership Inspirational. Principals have high EI (Emotional Intelligence) focus their efforts to create enthusiasm in their team with abundant energy and refer others to move forward. A principal’s skill in the area of human relations, decision-making, control of subordinates and conflict resolution are indicators of transformative leadership traits and behaviors. Effective leaders will support and encourage staff to model behaviors promoting collegiality and a professional working environment.