Why People Visit Parks? The Role of Gender, Age and Education among Urban Park Visitors in Faisalabad
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Urban parks, Environment, Health, Gender, Age.

How to Cite

Saleem, A. ., & Kamboh, K. . (2013). Why People Visit Parks? The Role of Gender, Age and Education among Urban Park Visitors in Faisalabad. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 3(10), 2196–2203. Retrieved from https://archive.aessweb.com/index.php/5007/article/view/2575


Parks are the response to unhealthy densely populated urban ecology. Parks are the recreational and open spaces providing the people a source of enjoyment and refreshment. The present study examines the trend of urban residents of Faisalabad visiting urban parks. For this purpose qualitative as well as quantitative data was collected through questionnaire. It was observed that 60% of the people are spending 1-2 hours at afternoon time and other in the evening or morning time and various reasons are morning people are visiting parks for jogging, walk and self-satisfaction, in afternoon for self-satisfaction and in the evening for the purpose of recreation. The largest proportion of urban park visitor was Teen age group consisting majorly on male respondents and they were mostly engaged in exercise and walk. It was also observed that most of the respondents feel pleasure while visiting park.

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