This research is to propose the understanding of place identity and the awareness of the destination attractiveness as a way to continuous tourism system in rural Thailand. Particularly, the research focuses on understanding and describing a complex and dynamic issued in Mae Klang Luang attractiveness, a small village in Northern Thailand, for tourism activities from both sides of tourism system. For the local community to understand their tourism resources, images and the attractiveness is important to develop tourism industry. Moreover, the understanding of demand side perspective of attractiveness of these attributes helps the community to enhance their tourism industry in a more sustainability way. The attractiveness of a tourist destination encourages people to visit and spend time at the destination. Without the attractiveness, tourism does not exist at the first place. At the same time, without understanding of what tourist perceive as the attractiveness, tourism cannot be continuously developed. The importance of both sides’ perceptions towards attractiveness helps rural tourism future development in more sustainable choices. It will help guiding the community to develop their tourism industry in the way continuing attracting people to the area at the same time not losing its own identity.