Berasik Ritual Performance of the Bajau/Sama: An Embodiment of Spiritual Characters
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Berasik, Cosmology, Embodiment, Ritual, Spiritual, Performing arts, Character.

How to Cite

Rahman, M. K. A. . (2018). Berasik Ritual Performance of the Bajau/Sama: An Embodiment of Spiritual Characters. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(9), 744–750.


This paper elaborates on the ritualistic performing arts of berasik practiced by the Bajau/Sama’ ethnic group in the state of Sabah. The study was done using a qualitative approach through the ethnographic strategy application concentrating on the relationship between the function of berasik which traditionally performed for healing purposes and the animistic religious beliefs which is derived from believe in the existence of spirits (metaphysical entity). The community of berasik practitioners believe that the physical world is influenced by the metaphysical world, especially where it concerned the existence of other worldly beings, the myths and spirits associated with their ancestors. They also believe that the places they inhabit are also shared with the presence of these other worldly, spiritual beings. Based on these beliefs, offerings are prepared and rituals are done in the berasik performance with the main aim of respecting and asking permission from these spiritual beings to help with the healing process. Individual who is able to see spirits is said to be capable and have the privilege of curing a disease caused by tulah (plague) due to the interference of spirits. The artistic works produced signify their spirit towards the artists’ cosmology of religious beliefs. Berasik is a combination of the elements of dance, singing, music and acting. Performer in berasik is expected to receive the spiritual characters in order to be able to serve as its embodiment. The embodiment of sacred being or character in berasik is possible by employing certain costume and props. By these devices, the personality of the performer is dispelled and performers are able to embody the sacred being in order to help in healing processes.
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