The Legislative Balance between Banking Confidentiality and the Role of Integrity and Counter-Corruption Commission in Countering Money Laundry Crimes
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Banking confidentiality, Integrity and anti-corruption Commission, Money laundry crime.

How to Cite

Al- Haddad, M. W. I. . (2019). The Legislative Balance between Banking Confidentiality and the Role of Integrity and Counter-Corruption Commission in Countering Money Laundry Crimes. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 9(9), 473–481.


This study illustrates the role of Jordanian Integrity and Anti- Corruption Commission (IACC) in investigating and following up the cases of money laundering and banking frauds through banking transactions. This law was enacted in 2016 to fill up the legislative shortage and now a need is felt to review the performance and efficiency of IACC in countering crimes related to money laundering. The data for the current study was collected through documentation including legal archives, books and journals on Jordanian law and its implementation manuals. The explorative survey method was adopted in this study to understand the problem first and suggest useful remedies. Due attention was paid to triangulate the findings of the documentation survey from actual legal cases and suits filed in the Jordanian courts. The focus of the study however remained on understanding money laundering crimes and challenges faced to maintain the confidentiality of banks. The findings provided an exposure to numerous activities that this commission had been engaged since its inception and prove its success.
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