Concept and Guidelines of Consuming Halal-Tayyiban Food from Islamic and Health Perspectives: A Meaningful Lesson from COVID-19 Outbreak
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Islamic studies, Covid-19, Halal lifestyle, Halalan Tayyiban, Halal food.

How to Cite

Fadzlillah, N. A. ., Sukri, S. J. M. ., Othman, R. ., Rohman, A. ., & Jubri@Shamsuddin, M. M. . (2022). Concept and Guidelines of Consuming Halal-Tayyiban Food from Islamic and Health Perspectives: A Meaningful Lesson from COVID-19 Outbreak. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 12(5), 169–182.


The first outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China proves consuming non–halal and non-tayyib food leads to widespread diseases and viruses. Since this occasion, the Covid-19 virus has widespread worldwide and has left negative impacts on the economic development, health quality, and social development of human beings. Therefore, this paper reports on the concept and guidelines of consuming halal-tayyiban food following the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight the importance of practicing a healthy lifestyle with an ideal selection of food to maintain a good immune system and preventing from harmful diseases. The data and information were gathered from electronic sources such as journal articles and trusted websites. It is hoped that the outcome of the paper will assist other researchers to come out with new ideas for a healthy lifestyle such as practicing a good Halal lifestyle and consuming Halalan Tayyiban products.
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