When A Fully D-Stable Module is Quasi-Projective
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Fully d-stable, Multiplication, Quasi-projective, Quasi-injective, Duo module, Dedekind domain.

How to Cite

Abbas, M., & Al-Hosainy, A. M. A. (2014). When A Fully D-Stable Module is Quasi-Projective. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 4(7), 364–374. Retrieved from https://archive.aessweb.com/index.php/5003/article/view/3650


The concept of full d-stability of modules was introduced by the authors in a previous paper. It is stronger than the duo property. Although quasi-projectivity is not a necessary condition for full dstability, it is inherent with this property in most of the known examples in such a way that it was difficult to give an example of a fully d-stable module which is not quasi-projective. This motivates the subject of this paper.

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