Sustainable marketing strategy and the growth of organic agriculture enterprises
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Agriculture, Business, Consumers, Decisions, Economy, Organic.

How to Cite

Oluyinka, S. A. ., Cusipag, M. N. ., Tesorio, M. R. A., & Trinidad, M. L. O. (2024). Sustainable marketing strategy and the growth of organic agriculture enterprises. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 14(4), 485–500.


The Philippines’ economy is strongly reliant on agriculture. Organic agriculture production is usually recognized as the main driver of sustainable economic development especially in rural areas since it adheres to the principles of sustainability and sustainable marketing. The benefits of agricultural organic products, their appearance, taste and processing, sustainable marketing techniques, the development of organic agricultural businesses, the lack of genetically modified organisms and consumer purchasing decisions such as the cost of sustainable products are all the primary focus of this study. Moreover, it helps Asian farmers, producers and consumers understand how effective marketing can be for agricultural businesses.  Researchers, entrepreneurs, students and consumers benefit as well. The data gathered through the use of an appropriate sampling strategy resulted in 279 responses. The programme known as SmartPLS 4 was used to carry out the analysis of this data. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that each of the eight assumptions about the total impact dimensions was supported. It was determined that only two of the hypotheses were not significant: "The growth of organic agricultural businesses may be affected by sustainable marketing strategies" and "Sustainable marketing strategy mediates purchasing decisions towards organic agricultural business development." The development of organic agricultural businesses is influenced by the views and decisions of consumers on their purchases based on the findings. A similar study using a longitudinal research approach may be conducted by future researchers to verify the findings revealed.
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