Vol. 14 No. 4 (2024): In Progress
In Progress


Solomon Ayodele Oluyinka, Maria N Cusipag, Maria Rowena A Tesorio, Mark Lester O Trinidad
Sustainable marketing strategy and the growth of organic agriculture enterprises
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Kyongmin Lee, Kang-Won You
Structural relationship between mobile shopping characteristics, consumption values, impulse buying, and consumer satisfaction
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Ahmed Kh Muttar, Marwan Mohamed Abdeldayem, Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi, Meshal Mohamed Rashed Alnoaimi
Job crafting and work engagement: A study of civil service bureau employees in the Kingdom of Bahrain
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Victor del Carmen Avendano Porras, Sergio Andres Correal Cuervo, Rodrigo Correal Cuervo
Intersectional analysis of the barriers faced by university women accessing and using ai in the workplace
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Jayson Canceran Atal
Productivity of hybrid rice (Mestizo 27) under different water and nutrient management systems
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Moustfa Ismael Khaleel, Rima Aloulou, Kamel Helali
The contribution of macroeconomic indicators to the attainment of economic development objectives in some western ASIAN countries
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Mohd Waliuddin Mohd Razali, Tan Sia Kai, Nordiana Ahmad Nordin, Kartinah Ayupp, Dyg Haszelinna Abg Ali
Driving firm value: Strategic marketing insights Malaysian listed firms
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Huy Quang Duong, Khai Xuan Nguyen, Giang Truong Ho, Minh Ngoc Nghiem, Thuy Thi Bich Vo
Development of an indirect ELISA to detect antigens using DNA origami nanoantenna labeled specific monoclonal antibodies
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