Enhancing Listening Skills of EFL Indonesian Learners through Busuu Application
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Busuu, EFL, English learning, Indonesian learners, Learning media, Listening skill.

How to Cite

Syafrizal, S. ., & Septiawati, T. . (2022). Enhancing Listening Skills of EFL Indonesian Learners through Busuu Application. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 11(3), 147–154. https://doi.org/10.55493/5019.v11i3.4615


Students identify what they hear and know while actively participating in the listening process, utilizing linguistic expertise to understand the information The goal of this study was to improve second-year students' listening skills and understand how they use Busuu to learn English. This study included 25 students in fourth semester at one of the universities in Indonesia. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample, which included students at fourth semester of Department of English Language Education as well as students who had passed the Literal Listening, Interpretive Listening, and Critical Listening subjects. The findings reveal that in normality test the significance value of pretest and posttest was better than 0.05 (0.56 > 0.05, 0.86 > 0.05), it implies that the data on listening learning outcomes is normally distributed. The paired sample t-test results showed that sig value was 0.001. This result showed that the students’ performance improved in pretest and posttest from the treatment in the classroom. They were excited and experienced fun in the classroom especially using Busuu application. The study recommends to use Busuu to improve students' listening skills.

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