Research on Self-Mentions and Author Identity in Academic English Writing
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Self-mentions, Author identity, Academic English writing, Postgraduate term paper, International journal, Academic English.

How to Cite

Dong, T. ., & Qiu, L. . (2018). Research on Self-Mentions and Author Identity in Academic English Writing. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 7(4), 115–121.


Self-mentions can help second-language learners establish author identity in academic English writing. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods, with the help of the search tool Antconc3.2.0 to investigate the characteristics of self-mentions and author identity in postgraduates’ academic English writing. The research results show that most postgraduates have the awareness of using self-mentions but cannot use them properly. They tend to use “we” instead of “I” to weaken their author identity and the role of discourse constructor is not well played. This research has some pedagogical implications for academic English writing and teaching of Chinese college students.
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