Analyzing English Language Teaching Practices in Public Middle Schools of AJK, Pakistan
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Teacher perceptions, Teaching methods, English language, Middle school level.

How to Cite

Mushtaq, M. ., Khurshid, R. ., & Khan, M. K. . (2020). Analyzing English Language Teaching Practices in Public Middle Schools of AJK, Pakistan. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 9(1), 18–30.


Effective English language teaching has been a great challenge in Pakistan and particularly in Azad Jammu and Kashmir district at middle level schools. This research explored teachers’ perception of using appropriate teaching strategies in public sector schools of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The population of the study included male- female teachers of public sector schools of the Bagh district of Pakistan. A sample of 50 schools and 150 teachers of English Language were selected. The findings reveal an insignificant difference between the perception of male and female teachers about the use of different teaching methods. The p-value was greater than alpha that confirms this there is insignificant difference of insights among male and female teachers. It was also discovered that classroom instructions at middle school level were not aligned with National Curriculum 2006. The teachers in AJK were not aware about the spirit of curriculum 2006 as well as National Professional Standards of Teachers. A majority of respondents used grammar translation method for teaching while a very low percentage used other teaching methods. It is recommended that teachers need to be trained in using other useful and effectives strategies In-service training programs for teacher should be arranged, specifically focusing on ELT. There is a need draw a perfect alignment between curriculum instructions and assessment in general and more specifically in subject of English.
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