This study aims to explore the perception and attitudes of Saudi Arabian university students towards independent English language learning, a recent addition to their EFL curriculum. The study also seeks to understand the effectiveness of various teaching and learning methods in this context. A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving a questionnaire survey and subsequent semi-structured interviews. The participants were second-year university students enrolled in the English department during the 2021-2022 academic year. The questionnaire, designed by the researcher, comprised 14 questions with preset responses based on a five-point Likert scale. The results revealed a generally positive attitude towards independent learning strategies. However, 51.4% of respondents were neutral about the use of independent learning as opposed to traditional teaching methods. Regarding learning materials, 35.2% found the independent learning approach convenient. Despite the overall positive attitude, it was observed that several students struggled to understand the concept of independent learning and how to effectively implement it. The study recommends that schools and educators collaborate to enhance students' familiarity and comfort with various forms of self-directed study. It is suggested that educators provide students with self-study resources, guidance for autonomous learning, assistance in planning their learning process, and methods to improve their communication skills and track their progress.